A lesson for you guys not going to doctors

I agree that bloodwork is very important. I will say though that it doesn't tell you much until after you have given your body time to recover and gone through a proper post cycle regiment.
It depends on what you are testing. If you want a marker for liver damage, then drawing a GGT during the cycle is the way to go. After the cycle is over your LFT's (Liver Function Tests) will normally return to baseline. You may have done real damage to your liver along the way, though, and would now have a false sense of security about it, not knowing that you may have done significant damage.

This is a lot like the old axe you hear that as long as the Lipid Profile returns to normal after the cycle, you are okay. Well, during the time when it isn't, you are caking the inside of your cardiovascular system with plaque. Returning your blood fats to baseline later doesn't mean you haven't hurt yourself in the long run.
SWALE said:
It depends on what you are testing. If you want a marker for liver damage, then drawing a GGT during the cycle is the way to go. After the cycle is over your LFT's (Liver Function Tests) will normally return to baseline. You may have done real damage to your liver along the way, though, and would now have a false sense of security about it, not knowing that you may have done significant damage.

This is a lot like the old axe you hear that as long as the Lipid Profile returns to normal after the cycle, you are okay. Well, during the time when it isn't, you are caking the inside of your cardiovascular system with plaque. Returning your blood fats to baseline later doesn't mean you haven't hurt yourself in the long run.

That....without a doubt is the most informative piece of information I have ever seen posted.

That is going straight to my archives, so if you see it qouted in the future, you'll know where it came from.

IMO, that type of info can not be posted enough !!

I am a firm believer in blood work....I had a pre cycle test, and my shit was fucked up...cholesterol etc...my after cycle results for liver came back clean as a whistle and believe it or not, my cholesterol although still bad, due to hereditary, so the doc says, is better then when i went on...probably due to the flaxseed oil...and i took milk thistle all the way through, so i am a firm believer in that also...my tryglicerides were 79, but i dont eat a lot of fatty foods so that could b the reason. And i use my liver values by my cycle off time....not by the old time on equals time off equation........if the old liver and kidneys are functioning correctly and in the normal mode, or better, why not just wait until your after cycle care is done and hop right back on...
