Lol I love it and so true. People from other countries have such a wrong opinion of the culture here. The same people bashing America are the ones that beg for us when they get attacked. Sure our country puts its nose where it doesn***8217;t belong. But we help our allies. Another thing I find funny is when people say we haven***8217;t won a war since ww2 then they bring up Vietnam and we never declared all out war it was a policing action. If we go to an all out war we will absolutely devastate our enemies. People are to naive to realize the best military is a battle hardened Military. We keep our troops active and in the end we have battle hardened troops, Generals that have led our Military into conflict. Russia and China are tough but they are only experienced in Drill type training. Kinda like a professional boxer verse a guy that has watched a bunch of fights and only sparred and hit the heavy bag. Everyone always assumes this or that about our country and sure we***8217;re not perfect and far from. But I***8217;d rather live here than some soft country. I love god,I love my country and I love my family.
We should scrounge up some pocket change and get Santa here for a vacation. I***8217;m positive he would have a different,more positive outlook on America. The people are good people for the most part. When ya have over three hundred million people it***8217;s impossible to have no problems. He***8217;d love the state I live in we have some of the best fishing in the country.
I guess at the end of the day what can we expect him to think of our country. We have the media pushing so much bullshit and lies that it makes America look way cluster fucked. We have crazy liberals saying there***8217;s multiple genders and trans people being crammed down our kids throats like its the normal. Shit now if your a white Christian and or a conservative then your demonized. The marxists are trying to bait a race war to cause chaos and civil unrest. Its just nuts how the whole media isn***8217;t trying to help bring people together to at least talk about the problems. Instead they push anti white everything knowing their gonna trigger some douchebag and then they will use it to keep pushing the agenda until the problems are unfixable. Then we will lose more rights as a whole, these younger kids these days don***8217;t even realize their being used as pawns to fuel the flames with the unrest in this country.
I***8217;m not sure how old you are, I***8217;m just over 40 and when I was growing up I got my ass whooped by my dad when I did something wrong. and if I or another person had a problem we would fight and someone got an ass whoopin then it was usually over. Nowadays younger men are pussies, not all of them but a lot more than their should be. If a dad smacks their kid they go to jail wtf. Have you seen the way college kids act? Not all of them but let***8217;s face it when you have safe places and people can***8217;t say nothing because someone***8217;s feelings get hurt. I***8217;m rambling again I didn***8217;t get much sleep last night.
I guess what I***8217;m trying to sum up is I understand Santa***8217;s point of view and I will respect it because he doesn***8217;t know better. With all the messed up stuff going on right now and I only named a fraction above how could he know better unless he***8217;s been here. Also we***8217;re not helping our countries image by barking back and forth. My old man once said when people are arguing nobody is listening. I***8217;ve learned a lot about myself from this thread, so now I***8217;m gonna address the issues. Santa will probably say I***8217;m backing down yadda-yadda-yadda and I will say I agree to disagree. I***8217;m just gonna do my best to represent and act my age. I hope for nothing but the best for everyone on this forum,
last but not least thank you Milton for reopening this thread and I***8217;m sorry I was disrespectful at times.