a little bulker for late summer

I finally got my last package and it was empty with a cut on the package , it was reshipped but I am thinking I am done ordering from over seas. I am hoping it was not seized. If it was seized is it only going to effect over seas package or all packages could be at risk?
Week 1-18 600mg alphapharma test e
Week 1-10 450 npp dragon pharma npp
Week 1-4 100mg test p eod geneza
Week 1-3 50 mg danabol blue hearts
Week 4-6 50 mg anadrol geneza
Week 1-20 25mg aromasin and 250x2 a week
Week 20-25
Clomid 100/75/50/50/50
I'm curious... why only run Nandrolone for half a cycle?

Also curious about why you would consider adding Clen on a 'bulker'?

Even more curious as to why you would run a 20 week cycle without HCG or was that a typo on week 1-20??
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I'm curious... why only run Nandrolone for half a cycle?

Also curious about why you would consider adding Clen on a 'bulker'?

Even more curious as to why you would run a 20 week cycle without HCG or was that a typo on week 1-20??

That is all the nandralone I got, I was going to run it at 400 mg for longer but decided to run it higher, and it was a typo hcg 250 2 x a week .
Fair enough, but your cycle success will be affected by the reduced nandrolone.

It might be prudent to hold fire until you have everything you need to run a full cycle buddy.
***1050;***1072;***1082; ***1087;***1088;***1072;***1074;***1080;***1083;** *1100;***1085;***1086;

***1042;***1089;***1077;***1084; ***1087;***1088;***1080;***1074;***1077;***1090;.***1053;***1091;***1078;***1077;***1085; ***1093;***1086;***1088;***1086;***1096;***1080;***1081; ***1089;***1086;***1074;***1077;***1090; ***1087;***1086; ***1087;***1086;***1074;***1086;***1076;***1091; ***1076;***1080;***1077;***1090;***1099;. ***1053;***1091;***1078;***1085;***1072; ***1093;***1086;***1088;***1086;***1096;***1072;***1103; ***1072; ***1075;***1083;***1072;***1074;***1085;***1086;***1077; ***1101;***1092;***1092;***1077;***1082;***1090;***1080;***1074;***1085;***1072;***1103; ***1076;***1080;***1077;***1090;***1072;.
Fair enough, but your cycle success will be affected by the reduced nandrolone.

It might be prudent to hold fire until you have everything you need to run a full cycle buddy.

I was told 10 weeks of npp is like 16 weeks of deca without blood. Depends on diet and training. How long could I run npp, I was told 10 weeks was more than enough....
I was told 10 weeks of npp is like 16 weeks of deca without blood. Depends on diet and training. How long could I run npp, I was told 10 weeks was more than enough....

Without bloat not blood, well so far so good feeling pretty good, no Pip and I am already getting those lower back pumps. Anadrol is some good stuff.
Week 1-18 600mg alphapharma test e
Week 1-10 450 npp dragon pharma npp
Week 1-4 100mg test p eod geneza
Week 1-3 50 mg danabol blue hearts
Week 4-6 50 mg anadrol geneza
Week 1-20 25mg aromasin and 250x2 a week
Week 20-25
Clomid 100/75/50/50/50

Hey jolter, good luck with your cycle, just had a few questions regarding your cycle friend.

Were you not able to get your hands on any Deca or do you dislike it all together and decided to go with the NPP?
The 10 week NPP, 18 week Test combo seems odd (time frame wise), what are your thoughts behind this?
Test Prop kick-start I understand, sure you want to throw in an oral each to their own, I just don't understand the reasoning behind the Dianabol/Anadrol switch, any reason?

I would of switched out NPP for Deca and increased the duration from 10 to 14 weeks and dropped Test from 18 weeks down to 16.

I don't see any reason to add thermogenics into a bulking cycle either, but that's me.

Interesting ideas, share with me!
Hey jolter, good luck with your cycle, just had a few questions regarding your cycle friend.

Were you not able to get your hands on any Deca or do you dislike it all together and decided to go with the NPP?
The 10 week NPP, 18 week Test combo seems odd (time frame wise), what are your thoughts behind this?
Test Prop kick-start I understand, sure you want to throw in an oral each to their own, I just don't understand the reasoning behind the Dianabol/Anadrol switch, any reason?

I would of switched out NPP for Deca and increased the duration from 10 to 14 weeks and dropped Test from 18 weeks down to 16.

I don't see any reason to add thermogenics into a bulking cycle either, but that's me.

Interesting ideas, share with me!
I have 18 weeks of test if my blood work has any issue I will end it at week ten, and deca has to be ran at leased 16 weeks takes so long to kick in. And has more sides. Npp gives better gains faster. Plus my last cycle was 12 weeks of test and eq and turanibol. I felt like I could of kept going but did not have enough gear.

As for the thermos it was to keep from getting sloppy, I am just going to try and keep it clean,my diet
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By any chance did you take any weight or size measurements on day one if so can you please post them. If not can you go ahead and please do it now and post them up once a week til the end. Most impotantly arm and leg measurements. I'm curious to see what week that npp kicks in and changes you from david banner to the incredible hulk.
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I know my arms were 17 3/4 but I have never measured my legs. I will strap the tape on them tomorrow before I tear them apart....
I know my arms were 17 3/4 but I have never measured my legs. I will strap the tape on them tomorrow before I tear them apart....

Holy moly dude 17 3/4 on day one is that cold? If that's cold man geez your gunna be huge. Yes please measure up those arms and legs right off the cot in the morning and post up.
Fuck npp fuck deca it's all about test only..... gotta sike myself out I'm officially cruising I just got a new job and can't risk snapping on my trainer working in 100+ degree weather lol
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Holy moly dude 17 3/4 on day one is that cold? If that's cold man geez your gunna be huge. Yes please measure up those arms and legs right off the cot in the morning and post up.

Nah that's after a arm workout, take off a half inch:bawling: