A Mass of Gas(any remedies)


New member
When taking supplement shakes I always end up having gas massively. It's embarrising when i'm out on a date, like say the movies with a hottie and all of a sudden while sitting a load of gas just hits me not once but back to back. I would try to use"burping" as a detour for the gas which works some what. But any input or remedies would be appreciated.
invisiblewounds said:
Fiber, it helps w/ absorbtion, and help to clean you out.

I use physlium husk as well. Sometimes my food just isnt agreeing with me. Papaya tastes good and soothes.
dito said:
Greasy foods or tuna sometimes does.

Well greasy foods i could definately see giving you indigestion, especially if you normally eat clean. Tuna could also do it if you eat it often, your body starts to react to the mercury levels.
What kind of protein are you using?

IE: Whey Isolate? Calcium Casienate? Egg Protein?

Or all of the above?

Try some "Digestive Enzymes" before your shake. One that covers proteins AND lactose
