A new Ostarine log


Hi all,

here you will find all my feelings concerning my new Ostarine cycle.

This is my first cycle with SARMS. I never used AAS.

I'm 43, 6'13, 200lbs, waist 35"6, BF around 18% ?? (don't see my abs). Right knee pain due to tendinitis

My goal is cutting, cutting, cutting... I used to cut with Ultimate Diet 2 from Lyle McDonald and I always had good results (I can explicite the method if necessary). I just want to give a boost with Osta. I don't want to lose some muscle in cutting.

I'm beginning my 4th week with UD2.
Here are my data 3 weeks ago :
Weight : 205lbs
Waist : 36"6

My feelings with Ostarine
From monday to friday, dosing 12.5mg. Taken each morning in an empty stomach. put all under my tongue during 10s (sublingual to improve absorption...)
NO effects (positive or negative)
From Saturday, dosing 15mg :
slight or annoying headache during the day
maybe a placebo effect but the Saturday heavy workout was easier that the previous week.

Workout in long series this afternoon to deplete glycogen (UD2 method). I will see it seems to be easier....

UD2 will last 7 to 8 weeks and my Osta cycle will last 5 to 6 weeks (max 15mg)
think it was from the 6'13" from your first post.

I'm subbed, Interesting to see what Osta does solo.
you will like osta....esp if you have never used any other anabolic.

I hope so.

Day 10

For the moment, nothing particular to say.
15mg/day, taken 10s in sublingual

Headaches disappeared (but it was very slight anyway).
Workouts in Monday and Tuesday are in long sets and not heavy (the aim is to last 40s per set). Nothing spectacular....in a fat loss program

If there is a difference in strength, I will feel it tomorrow (sets of 8 reps heavy) or saturday morning (sets of 4 reps very heavy).

As far as fat loss is concerned, I will inform you sunday (weight fluctuation during the week is normal cause of the glycogen loss)
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Day 12

High intensity workout yesterday.
Difficult due to lack of carbohydrates during 4 days. Since yersterday night, carb loading until end of this day.
No great differences in this workout with the session last week in terms of performance or strength on all exercises excepted for my back. All sets for my back seemed much more easier than the previous week.

Sunday morning, I will see my weight and my waist.

As far as my feelings are concerned :
Positive effects : excepted back sets, nothing to say
Negative effects : left part of my vision has been troubled as if I was behind a diamond, crystallized ... during 30 mn and disappeared after ????
Don't know what it is. It's the first time for me and I don't know if it's due to Osta or not. If this side effect re-appears, I will stop Osta for several days to see if it re-appears...
Day 15

No change in weight, no change in waist !
This is the first time with UD2 since 2 years that I don't loose any lbs for a week (I strictly followed my diet protocol)

However I look a bit leaner with the same weight. Is it due to Osta ???? (but maybe just a feeling - placebo)

Concerning strength, no change during heavy workout saturday morning. I increased a bit all the weight but as usual with UD2 protocol.

For the moment, Osta didn't kick in....
Always with 15mg/day

Side effects : No side effects at all since saturday. No vision problems.
Maybe just more tired and aggressive as usual (but UD2 is running too....). It's difficult to define if it's due to my diet protocol or Osta.

to summarize, I would say for the moment, I do not stay at all convinced by the ostarine. Maybe I'll change the view in a few weeks ...
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I've been running ostarine since march 5th and am doing a keto diet. So far I have only lowered my body fat percentage by about 1% since starting.
I should note that I am doing cardio like crazy- I am walking 8 miles a day and doing weight training 3x a week.
My LBM is around 145 LBS and I am 195 LBS right now. my body fat is 27.2%, down from 28.2% when I first started. I eat about 1500 kcal a day as well.
I think the Osta is making it very difficult for me to lose weight, as I thought I would have lost at least 4% body fat by now (21 days later). Personally I think I will probably be dropping osta and not completing my originally planned 8 week run. I will be running my clomid for 3 weeks at 25mg/day for PCT.
On the plus side, I should note that I am retaining my strength surprisingly well despite my low calorie diet and the amount of cardio I am doing daily.
It seems to be the same problem for me. Osta is breaking UD2 process.
It's even difficult to loose glycogen during the 4 first days.
Usually I loose between 2 and 3lbs in 4 days but these last weeks I only lost 1lb.

What is your dosage ?

If I've no results at the end of this week I will stop my cycle too to see the difference.
Originally I started with 12.5mg, and worked my way up to 25mg. Osta isn't all bad- the sides are non-existant and it does not affect the way you think like PH's do (they give me brain fog/ lethargy).
Right after I take my osta I feel more energized, but at the same time I feel osta slows down my metabolism or something.
Every morning before I take my osta I feel like I should just end the cycle and dose with clomid, but before I do that I will try lowering my cals to 1200 to see if that does anything.
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Concerning cals :

UD2 protocol is, for me :

Day 1 to day 4 : 1200kCal
Day 5 : 4000kCal (carb loading)
Day 6 to 7 : 1900kCal

My maintenance is about 2300-2400kCal
I would try to avoid carb ups every week, especially while you are on osta. I have not done any carb ups at all and my energy levels have been a little less than normal. Overall i think carb ups are only nessessary if you want to perform at your anaerobic peak.
If you must do carb ups, why don't you try every other week to see if that works?

Or try to eat 1500kcal a day and see what results you get (try TKD, which allows carbs only pre/post workout).
I use UD2 protocol to cut but I wanted to help to maintain muscles or even, gain a bit, thanks to Osta.

It seems that UD2 protocol is not compliant with Osta due to the necessary carb loading.

The aim of UD2 is to totally deplete glycogen from monday up to thursday PM (before intensitiy workout). After that, carb loading is necessary during 30 hours (equivalent to 2x maintenance).

It's summarized but it does generally work very good !
I would try to avoid carb ups every week, especially while you are on osta. I have not done any carb ups at all and my energy levels have been a little less than normal. Overall i think carb ups are only nessessary if you want to perform at your anaerobic peak.
If you must do carb ups, why don't you try every other week to see if that works?

Or try to eat 1500kcal a day and see what results you get (try TKD, which allows carbs only pre/post workout).

When I finish UD2 (in 3 weeks) I use this protocol (peri/post workout for carbs) in Intermittent fast (16h)

How many times do I must wait between two cycles of Osta ? If I don't have results after the 3 first weeks, I will stop Osta. Eventually I will re-start during IF.
If your only giving the Osta 3 weeks, your not giving it time to work. As far as how long you should wait between cycles, At lower doses 12.5 -15mg it does not cause suppression, and can be run indefinitely. I run it at 25mg for two months. I put on 15lbs. since Jan. with no increase in body fat%. I eat like a horse and do zero cardio other than light warmups. I also ran GW 501516 in Jan. Osta does work, you have to give it time.
If your only giving the Osta 3 weeks, your not giving it time to work. As far as how long you should wait between cycles, At lower doses 12.5 -15mg it does not cause suppression, and can be run indefinitely. I run it at 25mg for two months. I put on 15lbs. since Jan. with no increase in body fat%. I eat like a horse and do zero cardio other than light warmups. I also ran GW 501516 in Jan. Osta does work, you have to give it time.

So I will follow your advice and give Osta time to work..... :yesway:

Anyway, NO side effects since several days.