AAS use, wives, girlfriends, family etc.


I am banned!
I only started cycling because I'm hypogonadal and figured, why not? My HPTA is uber fkt and if I'm going to have gear and pins and ai lying around, what's an extra 500mg of test a week along with another compound twice a year?

My wife even gives me injections.

However, nobody in my family would approve of my cycling. Dads a doc, mom a nurse- they get on my case for taking creatine and eating too much protein:)

My wife is the opposite of me- non risk taker and a worrier.

So, for me all my gains come from "TRT". The first time I took test I took a TRT dose for 2 months and then ran 750mg for 2 months to set the precedent "this is what happens to my body on TRT".

What about you?
My wife is pretty cool about it for the most part, she really enjoys me being on TRT - according to her it's a different person with me on TRT versus not on TRT.

I'm also young, I'm 30 and my wife is 27 and we have 3 small children so there isn't much room for zero sex drive or erection issues, no energy during the day, etc. Ever since starting TRT about 9 months ago I can be ready to go within seconds no matter the time of day, this is nice because anyone with 3 little kids knows it can be hard to squeeze your sex life in - sometimes it has to be random as hell and when I had low T I couldn't just go on the spot.

My wife also has no issue with small test blasts, nor does rest of my family as I'm open about it, but they do worry about adding other compounds. They worry a lot when I'm running multiple compounds or insulin but I try to assure them that I'm not doing it recklessly or dangerously, I continue to point out I'm doing it the safest way possible which I usually do.

All in all I'm pretty lucky though as the most important person (adult wise) in my life is my wife and she shows support regardless if she disagrees with running large doses or multiple compounds.
Well bro..being 53 in March and having left home in HSchool ( had my own apt my Senior year )
and ALL family member s but Mom and lil T buried I cannot really add to this thread except.------
That your wife give s u trt is cool. Setting a precedent was smart.
I tell no female anything personally except " I m on trt 150 a week as rx d by my doc ".
My 27 and 33 yr old training partner s are also ex mudvein s so we know but do not talk. I get no one anything HERE.

My gf s are 22 (here) and 31 ( in D.C. ) and I operate on the need to know basis.
Info is power and WHEN punted a woman can and will use ANYTHING against you; and every gf is just the "NEXT" gf. As soon as I m asked" Where s this going " stuff and I say we got there the day u got in the shower they either accept and enjoy or on to the next one.
My son s the only commitment I ll ever make again...and my dog, Dawg but that s me.

I d not date me.
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Actually,my wife loves me cycling (just doesn't know it) because every time I get bigger she likes the new muscle.

She knows very little about bodybuilding and training. We were watching a documentary on the Olympia and she asks me "You don't want to be that big, do you?". To which I answered "no, not quite that big".
my wife is fully aware, and was apprehensive at first... but, i dont like to keep secrets from her..

i took the time to very slowly and carefully educate her on trt before i started.. and after years of being on and the benefits she has seen, she wouldn't want me off
my wife is fully aware, and was apprehensive at first... but, i dont like to keep secrets from her..

i took the time to very slowly and carefully educate her on trt before i started.. and after years of being on and the benefits she has seen, she wouldn't want me off

What about blasts?
i actually put on 30 pounds of muscle when I first got on TRT before ever running an AAS cycle . I was really hypo , so when my test got to the optimal range i was a hyper responder . everyone thought i was on steroids (and i was only on trt). My sister and brother-in-law visited , and seen my transformation . they are in the fitness world and own a gym . They ended up telling my dad that i had to be on steroids to put muscle on that quickly (of course I got an email from the old man asking about the accusations)

it was at that point , when everyone thought i was on steroids when i was on Doc prescribed TRT , that i decided to start cycling AAS anyways. Now everyone knows I'm a juice head and I keep in the open with everyone . people visit my house and look in my fridge and see all sorts of goodies. I'll have an hour long conversation with my father in law when the in laws visit about steroids use and how to do things properly. I've taught my brother in law some good cycling protocols, even helped him do his first cycle.

as for the wife . She's totally into steroids and asks all the time different things about what I'm doing and what compounds I'll be using next or how I'm stacking this or that together . Oh and she takes them herself, just Var for right now, Tbol next.
spots that are hard for me to reach like my lats, she injects for me.

so for my whole family , on both sides I'm completely open and honest about what i do . being a libertarian as well, i promote freedom of personal choices. hiding from those personal choices is shrinking back and giving up your freedom to a degree, imo
I totally agree with you married guy s assessments as marriage is a team effort and reguire trust and work with more trust equaling less work . Secret s don t last in a marriage...period as some Facebook fag whose miserable or some f d up female might somehow wreck your cruise control that al marriage s should settle into.

Monogamy is UNNATATURAL FOR A 100 PERCENT DESCENDENT OF the Norseman stock my DNA herald s from. I ve no problem looking at vid s or photo s of my 22 yr old and her gf playing with each other either so I m not hypocritical just realistic...and to old to give a shit anymore. They re like lighter s. Lose a GOOD one and it sux but there s no shortage of hot one s but a real shortage of MEN that can fix ur car, mow your grass write your Master s thesis and fuk u silly. Most male suburbanite s here are fat lazy t v addict s sport s addict s vid freak cripple s who don t know where the compressor is on a a/c or can change a drive belt on a mower. I m THAT guy..the other guy.
i fucking love your rants T :D
I totally agree with you married guy s assessments as marriage is a team effort and reguire trust and work with more trust equaling less work . Secret s don t last in a marriage...period as some Facebook fag whose miserable or some f d up female might somehow wreck your cruise control that al marriage s should settle into.

Monogamy is UNNATATURAL FOR A 100 PERCENT DESCENDENT OF the Norseman stock my DNA herald s from. I ve no problem looking at vid s or photo s of my 22 yr old and her gf playing with each other either so I m not hypocritical just realistic...and to old to give a shit anymore. They re like lighter s. Lose a GOOD one and it sux but there s no shortage of hot one s but a real shortage of MEN that can fix ur car, mow your grass write your Master s thesis and fuk u silly. Most male suburbanite s here are fat lazy t v addict s sport s addict s vid freak cripple s who don t know where the compressor is on a a/c or can change a drive belt on a mower. I m THAT guy..the other guy.
Agree with the T on this one. Don't ask, don't tell.! My lady thinks I'm on trt..which is true, 50% of the time:) I take suboxone prescribed and other than u all, she is the only one that knows this. People hear that personal stuff and all the sudden you have a stigma on ya....AKA: negative judgement. Ive heard it all before "that guy takes suboxone to get high". Little do they know I take it to keep from getting high. Fucks!!
My wife gives me my TRT injections. She is also cool with me stepping it up a bit with some other AAS. As long as my temperament doesnt change toward her she said she is good with it.
I told one gf before. She was cool with it until she wasn't cool with it anymore. Now, I keep it to myself. I don't even post a lot about what I do. To me, it works better that way...
I just cant be happy if i have to hide anything.... Ive been in 3 relationships serious ones since i started they had absolutely no clue about anything aas. Soon as i saw potential and saw it was getting serious i opened up about what i do and received no resistance. My current relationship took a bad turn a year ago she called the cops on me but actually did not rat me out in my stash when i was arrested lol. Even my dad knows what i do i couldnt imagine being with someone i Love and hiding a secret.
She knows very little about bodybuilding and training. We were watching a documentary on the Olympia and she asks me "You don't want to be that big, do you?". To which I answered "no, not quite that big".

I spewed peptobismol all over my ipad after reading this, lol. To me it sounds just like when I've told a girl once or twice that i would only stick the tip in...:molepoke:
I just cant be happy if i have to hide anything.... Ive been in 3 relationships serious ones since i started they had absolutely no clue about anything aas. Soon as i saw potential and saw it was getting serious i opened up about what i do and received no resistance. My current relationship took a bad turn a year ago she called the cops on me but actually did not rat me out in my stash when i was arrested lol. Even my dad knows what i do i couldnt imagine being with someone i Love and hiding a secret.

Would never have a girlfriend that had a problem with my steroid use.
...obviously should only take the 2 gram s of kratom for my arthritis but 12 feel s just right. If I lay down I m in nod mode. If I m moving I can be high as I live in chronic pain which has a negative impact on my sunshiney, tree hugging, love ur local illegal immigrant or malefactor personality.

And YES.

As I m tripling 405 for 3 set s (planned) squats I m wired again and LUV IT.
Kratom withdrawl s are cake compared to detox on a cell floor w 17 Simean s watch that redneck mf er w Iron Crosses writhe in pain.
If I m not in the ER I ll holler at ya ll later, you here. ??