
You'll know if have an abcess, especially on your leg. I used to get them from injecting Winstrol in the quads. They hurt like hell. I had to go to the hospital 3 different times to get it drained. They had to cut it and squeeze out all the puss. It's like a huge zit. The pain is incredible. I couldn't even walk it hurt so much. The nice thing was they wrote me a script for Vicodin 750's. That was the one upside to the event.
as juice authority said, you will know if you have one. The area will got hot and very swollen. you wil definately need to go to the doc at the very first sign of this, as it only gets worse
Juice Authority said:
You'll know if have an abcess, especially on your leg. I used to get them from injecting Winstrol in the quads. They hurt like hell. I had to go to the hospital 3 different times to get it drained. They had to cut it and squeeze out all the puss. It's like a huge zit. The pain is incredible. I couldn't even walk it hurt so much. The nice thing was they wrote me a script for Vicodin 750's. That was the one upside to the event.

Did they also give you an anti-biotic?
Micro said:
I'm not educated on this subject, so what would be the signs of an abcess?

Thanks micro

The area will get hot and inflamed. A large lump will appear. It will also be very tender to the touch. Developing a fever might also happen. The area you inject into also fills with lots of puss.

if this happens, go straight to the doc. the area could get so bad that it jas to be amputated
rub with alcohol (preferably betadine, alcohol takes up to 10 mins to kill germs), keep all syringes sterile till right before use, i ussually swab top of vial as well. if you drop the syringe on ground, dont fuckin use the same needle, sounds dumb but i know a guy who did this in his bathroom and got an abcess
Re: Re: Abcess?

Nutri-Wrestler said:
The area will get hot and inflamed. A large lump will appear. It will also be very tender to the touch. Developing a fever might also happen. The area you inject into also fills with lots of puss.

if this happens, go straight to the doc. the area could get so bad that it jas to be amputated

My abscess was in glute got worse over 2 weeks going down my thigh and waking up w/sweats, fever had to to to ER about 6 yrs ago. It was quite painful as they could not stitch up but let it drain and heal from inside out. I could put a couple if fingers in the incision.
now you guys got me scared to do my next you can only get it from an infected needle? i dont get it
Nutri-Wrestler said:
you can get an abcess from dirty gear or a dirty needle

That's how I got mine, by reusing the same points. Not a good idea. Points are cheap and there shouldn't be any reason to reuse points.
Shit I remember using the same one's 5 or 6 times each. They were accually harder to get then the gear at one time. But that was like 10yrs ago
Micro said:
Shit I remember using the same one's 5 or 6 times each. They were accually harder to get then the gear at one time. But that was like 10yrs ago

Damn, hope you kept them soaking in alcohol or something. Seems like they'd be a bacteria colony after sitting around after just one use.

What do you say when you go into the docs/er? They will ask questions, but will they suspect anything?

Also, could you get an abcess from injecting in the same site over and over even though your needles, gear, etc are all clean? I'm sure rotating injection site would be helpful.
I've been using quality vet for awhile now, and sometimes I get a knot around the injection sight sometimes so bad that it's hard to walk or sit or really do anything and sometimes along with that I get real sick (flu like achy, fever) I don't think they are abcess and I'm not really sure other than my body is fighting it. I know this is a little off subject but I have a couple of other questions; when this happens (getting sick) is the gear wasted?? sometime it gets bad enough that I can't even train.. Any thoughts or anyone else ever have the same problem??
Hey Mister said:

What do you say when you go into the docs/er? They will ask questions, but will they suspect anything?

Also, could you get an abcess from injecting in the same site over and over even though your needles, gear, etc are all clean? I'm sure rotating injection site would be helpful.

I told them the fucking truth because it is fairly obvious what causes this. If you're afraid of it appearing on your medical record then go the E-clinic and pay $$$.
You'll know if have an abcess, especially on your leg. I used to get them from injecting Winstrol in the quads. They hurt like hell. I had to go to the hospital 3 different times to get it drained. They had to cut it and squeeze out all the puss. It's like a huge zit. The pain is incredible. I couldn't even walk it hurt so much. The nice thing was they wrote me a script for Vicodin 750's. That was the one upside to the event.

so what did you say to the docs as to how you got this? do you think they suspected you were juicing?