About the whole "don't cycle over 15% bf" thing....


New member
I hear read this a lot, to the point it almost seems like the general consensus.

I come from the world of powerlifting though.... Where most serious competitors use AAS, and hardly anyone in the heavier weight classes is under 16-18%

I'm not saying it's untrue that higher bodyfat is going to increase the possibility of E2 issues. I'm just wondering if you guys are suggesting that even strength athletes don't cycle unless they are that lean? Honest question.
Of course they cycle. They just have to be more diligent about E2 as they will aromatize more. Although in my experience, many power lifters tend to prefer their E2 on the higher side as they want the extra strength it gives despite the negative side effects. Many choose to forgo AI's despite the risks associated with high E2.

What is your weight, height age, bench, DL and squat (raw)?
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Of course they cycle. They just have to be more diligent about E2 as they will aromatize more. Although in my experience, many power lifters tend to prefer their E2 on the higher side as they want the extra strength it gives despite the negative side effects. Many choose to forgo AI's despite the risks associated with high E2.

What is your weight, height age, bench, DL and squat (raw)?

Been training 2.5 years, so I'm still somewhat new to this thing. I'm 31. 6'3 230lbs, probably 15-16% bf. Raw competition lifts were 425/335/455 prior to cycling. Not super impressive, but I started out at 160lbs body weight. Haven't competed since actually making the leap into AAS.

I guess I'm bringing this up because the wisdom is that I should have cut down to a lower bodyfat percentage before starting. But at my natural test levels at age 31, cutting down to a low % would have started me out at an even more mediocre strength level.

Guess I'm wondering what other people would have done at my age, experience, body comp and strength level. FYI, my pre-cycle bloodwork had my test level around 380.
That s low test brah. Not critical but low.

I was a 198 from age 23-26 collegiate w
DL 600 ish
Sq-600 ish
bench 400 ish
Geared to the gill s though.and natty lean so...

My roomie was a 242. He was 5 ft 9 inches. Geared oughtta his mind. And e2 ? Never heard of it.
In the 80 s we were pinning blind.
Good thread and know there s a fellow powerlifter here--49 er. Hit him up.