Abscess from HB?


Get Ripped Not Ripped Off
Made my first batch of test prop a few weeks ago. Made 40ml at 125mg/ml. I gave one vial to a buddy of mine an he has been using it now for 2 weeks. He complained about the burn an pain post injection. Now after two weeks of pinning he said that he got an abscess from the gear. I did everything to the tee. made everything as sterile as possible and nothing was dirty. It looks so pretty and clean, nothing floating around in the gear at all.

Now my question is how do i no if it really was the gear that gave him an abscess? Not going lie he told me he does not use alcohol swabs an not to sure if he uses the same needles or not, but i wouldnt be surprised. Im about to start using it next week and not sure if i should filter it again just to make sure? any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's hard to answer that but if he didn't swab the vial or is using the same pin that would be my first guess.
Okay, so the day of his injection he has some burning and now all of a sudden he is complaining about an abscess? What about the time in between? Did he have any swelling, pain, heat? Even sterile abscesses are extremely painful.
Okay, so the day of his injection he has some burning and now all of a sudden he is complaining about an abscess? What about the time in between? Did he have any swelling, pain, heat? Even sterile abscesses are extremely painful.

I want to say that hes full of shit kind of. He was complaining about pain after injections an proceeding days. Its like he doesnt understand that hes putting a needle in his body an injecting gear. Test prop hurts, theres always alil sting an sometimes days after hurt llike hell. Ive pinned plently of times before an havent sat for a week! Hes a newb at all of this an doesnt care to take the time to even use swabs to make sure his ass is clean. But no he said it just hurt, never said anything about heat, swelling, etc. Im not even sure if its even an abscess, im just goin by what hes telling me. And he knew it was HB an i think its just getting to his head.
Not being sure if he's being a baby or not it's only 40 ml and won't take much to refilter to be on the safe side. My prop is 125mg and painless.
Made my first batch of test prop a few weeks ago. Made 40ml at 125mg/ml. I gave one vial to a buddy of mine an he has been using it now for 2 weeks. He complained about the burn an pain post injection. Now after two weeks of pinning he said that he got an abscess from the gear. I did everything to the tee. made everything as sterile as possible and nothing was dirty. It looks so pretty and clean, nothing floating around in the gear at all.

Now my question is how do i no if it really was the gear that gave him an abscess? Not going lie he told me he does not use alcohol swabs an not to sure if he uses the same needles or not, but i wouldnt be surprised. Im about to start using it next week and not sure if i should filter it again just to make sure? any help would be greatly appreciated.

1) Did you use a STERIL FILTER like a .44 or .22 pore filter? I mean NOT one that comes lose; a STERIL filter comes packages in a SEALED container, kind of like a syringe.

2) Did you run it through the filter, RIGHT into the vials? (This is a must or you can say it’s sterile.

If you did any of the above wrong then that’s on you and no it’s not safe.

I REALLY hope you’re not one of those guys that used the filters that are not sealed/sterile since they are so much cheaper.
There pointless and not sure why anyone would use them except for a raw pre-filter before the sterile filter.

Let me know.

PS, your buddy should go to the ER, he can die from septic shock....
Okay, so the day of his injection he has some burning and now all of a sudden he is complaining about an abscess? What about the time in between? Did he have any swelling, pain, heat? Even sterile abscesses are extremely painful.

This is not true, they CAN be but they can also be unnoticed till you burst them, pinn them and draw out puss (happened to me) or they become septic in which YOU WILL KNOW.
I know this from PERSONAL exp.

they can hurt though if on an odd location with alot of stress on it.
another reason NOT to pinn too often in same spot or too much oil at a time.
I want to say that hes full of shit kind of. He was complaining about pain after injections an proceeding days. Its like he doesnt understand that hes putting a needle in his body an injecting gear. Test prop hurts, theres always alil sting an sometimes days after hurt llike hell. Ive pinned plently of times before an havent sat for a week! Hes a newb at all of this an doesnt care to take the time to even use swabs to make sure his ass is clean. But no he said it just hurt, never said anything about heat, swelling, etc. Im not even sure if its even an abscess, im just goin by what hes telling me. And he knew it was HB an i think its just getting to his head.

I used to try to help buddies out with my brews but then I would get bullshit like that too since they knew I made it. "Oh well this vial seems a 1/8cc short blah blah". It just seems like if people know where it's coming from they have to be fuckin retards about it. So what I did was say fuck em and I keep my master pieces to myself :) Let them get overcharged for some under dosed bullshit off the street if they bitch.

But as for your buddy, he's fine. I had a friend come to me last week with huge knot on his ass he claimed the pain was an 8 on the scale of 1-10. Thought he had an abscess as well, so I told him to go to the doctor since it had been 4 days and he could barely get in his car. Well the doc said no infection, no abscess. The doc explained that since he was using an 1" pin on his glute the oil came out of the muscle and went subQ. I just posted a thread on this in the main section if you search my name.

H2G is right, he would be in the hospital if it was an abscess or greater yet an infection.
1) Did you use a STERIL FILTER like a .44 or .22 pore filter? I mean NOT one that comes lose; a STERIL filter comes packages in a SEALED container, kind of like a syringe.

2) Did you run it through the filter, RIGHT into the vials? (This is a must or you can say it’s sterile.

If you did any of the above wrong then that’s on you and no it’s not safe.

I REALLY hope you’re not one of those guys that used the filters that are not sealed/sterile since they are so much cheaper.
There pointless and not sure why anyone would use them except for a raw pre-filter before the sterile filter.

Let me know.

PS, your buddy should go to the ER, he can die from septic shock....

I did use .44pore filter and yes it was in a sterile package. Im making this stuff for myself an its going in my body so of course i want it to be clean as possible. Not matter what the cost is
If he had an abscess he would be in the hospital. Your gear is fine and your buddy is a fucking moron!

I couldnt agree more! hes bein a fuckin baby about it. Like i said since he knows its home brew its getting to head. He hasnt been in the game long enough or hasnt done any research to no anything about anything.
I used to try to help buddies out with my brews but then I would get bullshit like that too since they knew I made it. "Oh well this vial seems a 1/8cc short blah blah". It just seems like if people know where it's coming from they have to be fuckin retards about it. So what I did was say fuck em and I keep my master pieces to myself :) Let them get overcharged for some under dosed bullshit off the street if they bitch.

But as for your buddy, he's fine. I had a friend come to me last week with huge knot on his ass he claimed the pain was an 8 on the scale of 1-10. Thought he had an abscess as well, so I told him to go to the doctor since it had been 4 days and he could barely get in his car. Well the doc said no infection, no abscess. The doc explained that since he was using an 1" pin on his glute the oil came out of the muscle and went subQ. I just posted a thread on this in the main section if you search my name.

H2G is right, he would be in the hospital if it was an abscess or greater yet an infection.

Again i couldnt agree more. People are stupid!
Made my first batch of test prop a few weeks ago. Made 40ml at 125mg/ml. I gave one vial to a buddy of mine an he has been using it now for 2 weeks. He complained about the burn an pain post injection.

Did he say when he started to feel the burn and post injection pain?

If it's a few hours right after injection, then it's likely the burn is due to BB, which is a known skin irritant:

"May cause skin irritation, especially for those allergic to the location easily."

(Benzyl benzoate - Drug treatment of scabies and lice)

Now after two weeks of pinning he said that he got an abscess from the gear.

Now my question is how do i no if it really was the gear that gave him an abscess?

First, let's assume that he really got an abscess (an not just post injection pain).

We cannot know for sure what might have caused that.

It could be the gear or it could be the fact that:

he told me he does not use alcohol swabs

he does not use alcohol swabs!

Im about to start using it next week and not sure if i should filter it again just to make sure?

Uhhhh, bro, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, but shouldn't you have tried your own stuff BEFORE you gave it to someone else?? :confused:

You didn't accidentally use your friend as a guinea pig, did you?
Did he say when he started to feel the burn and post injection pain?

If it's a few hours right after injection, then it's likely the burn is due to BB, which is a known skin irritant:

"May cause skin irritation, especially for those allergic to the location easily."

(Benzyl benzoate - Drug treatment of scabies and lice)

First, let's assume that he really got an abscess (an not just post injection pain).

We cannot know for sure what might have caused that.

It could be the gear or it could be the fact that:

he does not use alcohol swabs!

Uhhhh, bro, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, but shouldn't you have tried your own stuff BEFORE you gave it to someone else?? :confused:

You didn't accidentally use your friend as a guinea pig, did you?

Haha noo i did not use him as a guinea pig. He ran out of gear an basically forced it on himself to use it cuz he had no other option and doesnt wanna come off. So hes a fuckin moron. I gave it to him real cheap and now i know that hes using all this excuses so he doesnt have to pay. I do not make this stuff to sell! personal use only but he forced it on himself like i said.

About his abscess...he told me that the dr gave him antibiotics. And im pretty sure they drain the puss with a wick stuck in the absecess for a few days, correct me if i am wrong?
The abcess could be due to insterility issues on his part. Maybe he uses the same needles over and over again. Maybe he doesn't use alcohol swabs. Maybe he doesn't swab the top of the vial before drawing.
Haha noo i did not use him as a guinea pig. He ran out of gear an basically forced it on himself to use it cuz he had no other option and doesnt wanna come off. So hes a fuckin moron. I gave it to him real cheap and now i know that hes using all this excuses so he doesnt have to pay. I do not make this stuff to sell! personal use only but he forced it on himself like i said.

About his abscess...he told me that the dr gave him antibiotics. And im pretty sure they drain the puss with a wick stuck in the absecess for a few days, correct me if i am wrong?

Did he show you copies of the receipt for the doctor's visit and prescription? (Just to make sure he's telling the whole truth)

For the sake of this discussion, let's say that he shows the receipt to you and was telling the truth, we still don't know whether he got it because of:

A) his not using alcohol swabs to disinfect his skin before pinning.


B) the homebrew

But, you can find out whether or not it was the homebrew. Whether you decide to do it or not, what you can do is:

A) Use alcohol to disinfect your skin, pins, vial, etc. Be extra clean.

B) Pin a small amount (.5-1 ml) of your brew (if possible, do it in front of your friend)

If you do not get any signs of an infection (after around 24 hours), then
you and your friend know for sure it was NOT your homebrew that caused the infection. Therefore, the only possibility left is that your friend got the infection because he did NOT use alcohol to disinfect his equipments, skin, etc., and he owes you an apology for accusing you of bad brew.

However, if you DO get some signs of an infection, then it was your brew that caused it, and you owe a big apology to your friend, and perhaps help him pay for the Dr. visit.

Your choice, bro, but the right choices are not always easy to make a lot of times. Good luck!
Buttman you sound like a pretty straight up guy. Most people in this game are so sketchy I cring at the thought of how I used to trust them. If it wasnt for forums like this I think so many more people would still be lost in a cloud of uncertainty.

Hope all goes well for you Trenaject and your friend. Cleanliness is next to godliness!
Buttman you sound like a pretty straight up guy. Most people in this game are so sketchy I cring at the thought of how I used to trust them. If it wasnt for forums like this I think so many more people would still be lost in a cloud of uncertainty.

Hope all goes well for you Trenaject and your friend. Cleanliness is next to godliness!

Thanks, Bob :). Pretty sure you and many of us here are aware of the current negative images and stereotypes associated with hormones/anabolic usage in bodybuilding and sports, which in my view, are undeserved and over-exaggerated by the media, based a lot on misinformation and scare tactic.

We're not criminals. We're just a bunch of guys who want to have nice bodies, we train, eat, and use hormones to help our body recover and grow.

But bros like us are not helping our case if we're sketchy. All we're doing is further reinforce these wrong, negative images portrayed in the media.

These stereotypes are wrong, and I try to help as much as I can to change that.

For instance, of all the people I spoke to, even very educated ones (bio majors, too), in real life, as well as online, are NOT aware of the fact that hormones have been used and are still being used in the medical field to help patients with many illnesses (AIDS, certain types of osteoperosis, muscular diseases, sexual disfunctions, etc.). So I dug up several research articles on anabolics from the National Institute of Health and showed them, to let them know that they're not getting the whole truth from the media.
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I did my first pin of the same HB 2days ago. I pinned 1cc, It is completely pain less at 125mg/ml. Yesterday and today i was fine and so wasnt right after i pinned. Muscle did not hurt at all no lump no burning or heat around the injection site. Im always extra clean with every pin, but i swab the top of the vial, my ass and the pin (just to make sure). And nothing at all but pure power in the gym. Im 100% sure if he did get an abscess, it was from him being dirty. But I truly believe that he didnt even have an abscess and that he lied for reason. Kids an asshole, and very uneducated.