According to the New MD, LFC is underdosed?!?!?


New member
I was reading on another board, and someone said something about the new MD refering to LFC not doing well, and sure enough, In the July 2003 issue pages 279 and 280, talks about LFC. In an article titled "Chemical Corner" Bruce Kneller talked about various UG labs, Red Star, BDL, and Gmunk, and LFC. Accorcding to him he had the trenebolone and Nandrolone tested, and the tren came out to 36.6mg/ml and the nandrolone 138.6mg/ml. He doesnt put up a lab assay but said his lab "cconnection" in Israel used a Hewlett PAckard model 1090 series. The column was a Hpersil 10 x .2 cm 5 um ODS and the detector was a photoiode array scanning from 190 to 600nm. Whatever all that means, i dunno. Im in no way saying LFC sucks or anything, i have never used them, im just repeating what i read.
There was a typo when making the labels.

That isn't very good news for LFC. Was there any info about their other steroids.

I remember a post from LAWNSAVER a little while ago. He said that he wasn't impressed with LFC tren at all. Maybe this is the reason he wasn't see the gains he expected.
i used lfc deca and enan and although i was happy i also thought they were underdosed perhaps as i got better results/pumps/weight gain using other brands.

i have been in the game for awhile....
i have done 4 cycles with homebrew tren....(speaking to the tren part of the thread)

i like Buffdawg10, had tremendous results....
i know i will continue with their products...just my .02 cents
god bless
I want to reiterate, im not bashing LFC, im just repeating what i read. As i said before, no hard lab assays were printed. Mayeb he has an agenda with LFC, maybe not. Who knows.
Man, I don't understand this???? People have been having great results for the most part with LFC and one post that states the product was underdosed and everyone freaks out!! Hey, if you are having good results, then don't worry about anything else. Some people may not have good results becaue their body just does not respond well to that particular drug. Don't everyone go and panic and think that LFC is trash now, I would back their products anyday!!!
BUFFDAWG10 said:
Man, I don't understand this???? People have been having great results for the most part with LFC and one post that states the product was underdosed and everyone freaks out!! Hey, if you are having good results, then don't worry about anything else. Some people may not have good results becaue their body just does not respond well to that particular drug. Don't everyone go and panic and think that LFC is trash now, I would back their products anyday!!! probably looks like i'm blowing BD10.... (again) lol
but, once again I AGREE!
god bless
I think judgement should be reserved until hard copy lab results are ever posted. Until then all you can go on is user feedback and that has been quite good all over the boards.
Red Star is pimped by John Romano, who writes for MD, but this was some Bruce Kneller guy. Im not sure of his credentials. They didnt post any other test results or anything at all. I just thought it was intresting to read, kinda weird a brand you see all the time being talked about in a natl magazine like that, good or bad. Im suprised they mentioned GMUNK gear, yet no mention of EQL, seems they must frequent Meso.