I was reading on another board, and someone said something about the new MD refering to LFC not doing well, and sure enough, In the July 2003 issue pages 279 and 280, talks about LFC. In an article titled "Chemical Corner" Bruce Kneller talked about various UG labs, Red Star, BDL, and Gmunk, and LFC. Accorcding to him he had the trenebolone and Nandrolone tested, and the tren came out to 36.6mg/ml and the nandrolone 138.6mg/ml. He doesnt put up a lab assay but said his lab "cconnection" in Israel used a Hewlett PAckard model 1090 series. The column was a Hpersil 10 x .2 cm 5 um ODS and the detector was a photoiode array scanning from 190 to 600nm. Whatever all that means, i dunno. Im in no way saying LFC sucks or anything, i have never used them, im just repeating what i read.