Accutane and steroids

Mudge said:
Best thing seems to be the amount of time you are on, as for dosing well it depends on the persons bodyweight as well as how bad it is. I didn't do anything about my acne for a long time so it started to get bad enough that I had bleeders on my back, and sometimes even my chest when doing bench presses (touching the bar). I'd split them open and I went form cystic acne to cystic acne + nasty scabs that loved opening up whenever they felt like it. So seriously if I wore a grey T shirt at the gym I'd look like I got shot a couple times (not really that bad), the back of my shoulders being the worst on a leg day.

1mg per kg of bodyweight is about as high as anyone should need to go, just keep on using it. When you start to clear up do NOT stop, and I would not change the doseage except in 20mg increments unless the sides are really bad. I had run out on one point and my guy was on vacation and I rebounded in a matter of days and I was SO close to being cleared up, that sucked.

If you need accutane then you need it badly enough to stock up on it :D As for B5 it worked partially but as soon as I got back on cycle it was all over, 12 grams a day was not enough to even hold steady much less fix my problem, but YMMV.

You breaking out like a volcano man! Are you breaking out naturally or are you using some dirty shit?!
I am on gear, its called Puberty v2.0, I never broke out this badly naturally, not even close. Most of the acne on my chest is gone which is good, but my rear shoulders and lower back still have it, those are my problem spots.

Yes I buy it unfortunately, I have heard of people paying as low as $10 a month for generic prescription, which is a spankin good deal.
Does anyone know what negative effects minocycline can have on cycle (besides liver values, which mine are fine) It is especially good for cystic acne, which I had forever naturally. Sometimes my bedsheets looked like a murder scene. I once read it completely stopped mice from growing, talk about anti-anabolic. It hasnt stopped any gains here but does anyone have any info for me?
I pay 2 bucks for 120 tabs at 40 mg........thank god for my insuarance with out it that many tabs would cost me about 1k at the pharmacy, they are crazy expensive it breaks down to like 9 or 10 bucks a tab
Hell yeah thats a great deal, much better than what I pay. Insurance rocks eh? :)

Dougoe, you might want to make a fresh post since nobody may see it. Accutane can cause birth defects so its not exactly something you use when you are "growing," so I'm not sure exactly what kind of study you are citing, it sounds like we are talking baby mice.
I'm sure this all varies from person to person, but I was under the impression that once a person completes a proper accutane treatment (Proper in the sense that the correct dosage was taken for the correct length of time.) all that was needed to remain acne free while on cycle was a dosage of around 20mgs beginning about a month prior to starting the cycle.

I've talked to people before who have stated that this worked great for them, even when on the highest of AS dosages. But again like I said, this probably varies from person to person.

Mudge said:
I am on gear, its called Puberty v2.0, I never broke out this badly naturally, not even close. Most of the acne on my chest is gone which is good, but my rear shoulders and lower back still have it, those are my problem spots.

Yes I buy it unfortunately, I have heard of people paying as low as $10 a month for generic prescription, which is a spankin good deal.

If you break out so bad, why dont you switch to something else. WHat are you using right now?
I'm on Accutane, as per the probably 20 posts I've made on it. I'm going down to 40mg and see how it goes.
I've been on 160 mg for 1 and 1/2 months and started at 80 for 2 months. Had to stop 2 weeks ago cause of liver values but I've been drinking like a fish. Sides arent that bad, just stay lubed up and control your mind and its tolerable. Haven't drank for 2 weeks and have to go back in 2 more weeks to see if I can get back on even though I only have a zit or 2 on my face currently.
mudge, i think he meant what gear are you on, and if that gear makes you break out so bad, why not switch to some other gear...:D
panteracfh said:
mudge, i think he meant what gear are you on, and if that gear makes you break out so bad, why not switch to some other gear...:D

Yeah that's what I ment. I mean, if someone is using clean shit, they wont break out, at least I dont. Once I got some dirty shit, man my whole back was like ....bad.
it has nothing to do with the sterility of the product... its about the hormones... for some people its not a problem... but other it is... just like when people are teenagers... most have similar hormones, but not all have acne... so if you do a gram of test and mudge does a gram of test, your reactions to it will be totally different...
panteracfh said:
mudge, i think he meant what gear are you on, and if that gear makes you break out so bad, why not switch to some other gear...:D

Lets see, QV, PL, DL (gone), Shanghai, Ttokkyo - anymore questions? :)

I repeat, its called Puberty v2.0
magnusson187 said:
I've been on 160 mg for 1 and 1/2 months and started at 80 for 2 months. Had to stop 2 weeks ago cause of liver values but I've been drinking like a fish. Sides arent that bad, just stay lubed up

You are amazingly lucky, seriously though I dont lube my ass. :laugh:
magnusson187 said:
I've been on 160 mg for 1 and 1/2 months and started at 80 for 2 months. Had to stop 2 weeks ago cause of liver values but I've been drinking like a fish. Sides arent that bad, just stay lubed up and control your mind and its tolerable. Haven't drank for 2 weeks and have to go back in 2 more weeks to see if I can get back on even though I only have a zit or 2 on my face currently.
You know, unless your face looks like one giant pimple-you dont need that high of a dose. Unless you are one big zit yourself....trying to kill yourself?:D
Mudge said:
Lets see, QV, PL, DL (gone), Shanghai, Ttokkyo - anymore questions? :)

I repeat, its called Puberty v2.0
Spell it out Mudge. QV, PL, DL,PMS etc spell it out.
I would do so in secure email, some of them I need not talk about, everyone knows who they are bro. QV is mexican, Quality Vet.

PMS I have not experienced thankfully, although clomid comes pretty damn close.