Achy balls 3 months after PCT?


New member
On my last cycle I did 300-450mg per week (150mg EOD) of testosterone propionate and 40mg stanazol per day, for 8 weeks. For my PCT I did 10days of 100mg of clomid and 40mg of tamoxifen, followed by 50mg and 20mg respectively for a further 20 days.

The problem I'm having is achy balls, it started during my PCT but has now persisted 3 months after my PCT. It is not constant, but rather on and off and it is always on the back of my mind.

To be on the safe side, I went for blood work to check my hormone levels and rule out infections - and all was in normal range (testosterone, oestrogen + no infections).

I was wondering if anyone here had a similar experience and what they did about it?

I spoke to one experienced member of my gym, and he said he had a similar experience some years ago and he recommended a course of hcg and clomid with nolva. What are your thoughts on this and what recommendations do you have?

I'd appreciate any insight anyone can give me.

Can you please post your blood work results with their reference ranges? Hopefully you checked LH and FSH too.
Can you please post your blood work results with their reference ranges? Hopefully you checked LH and FSH too.

Thank you for your reply. My results were as follows:

Testosterone 5.87 ng/ml (3.30-8.05 normal interval)
Estradiol 54.6 pg/ml (<266 normal interval)
LH 1.9 U/L (1.6-8.3 normal interval)

Regretfully I did not go for any blood work before or during my cycle so I don't have any results to compare to. None the less, what are your opinions on these results?
Your test and E2 look fine. So your HPTA appears to be functioning fine. I was worried that you might be shut down. Based on that I don't think you need to run PCT again.

It would have obviously helped to have baseline lab results to compare to. Perhaps your TT used to be 800 instead of 587.

Only other thing I can think of is getting your FSH checked and perhaps a PSA. Hopefully someone else has had a similar experience and has some ideas.
This is a reach, but if nobody else has any ideas and you are desperate to try something, perhaps look into Arimidex-Monotherapy. This could help lower your Estradiol and drive up your Testosterone without suppressing your HPTA. You could run up to 1mg daily but I would work up to that dose slowly over time. Make sure you do some homework on this before trying it.
Megatron, thank you for your advice.

I went to my family doctor who referred me to a urologist about my condition. Funny story, but my achy balls were not a hormone related problem, rather a mechanical. As soon as i told the Dr about my complaints he took a glance at my groin region and told me that he often sees patients come in with similar complaints in the inguinal/testicle region and that it is usually due to tight fitting pants. After my last cycle i have gained considerable size in my lower body, to the point that all my pants are now extremely well-fitted/boderline-tight. After switching to loser fitting pants and underwear i can sincerely say that my symptoms have subsided almost immediately.

I write this updated incase anyone else has had a similar symptoms and i hope that my experience is of some value to you.

I have the same experience. I'm bout two months after pct and my balls hurt once in a while especially if I don't get laid in a while. I don't get to see my girl as much as usual cause of work increase so when they start hurting I rub one off and then I feel better. This is a first for me after many years of cycling. Waiting for my bloods results any day now.
i had similar pain, and eventually it was testicular cancer! Please check your balls.
Have they grown? are one of them hard? maybe a small "hard" lump?
If not, it might just be your body trying to recovery the testis.
Im a testicular cancer survivor, did 1cycle in my life, did pct but had that feeling of ache/lightning chock in my ball... Turned out to be cancer, did steroids or more so hcg have a part in it? I believe so. As my tumor started to produce b'hcg... Anyways get it checked, ask for Picture and bloods, afp, b'hcg n such