Acne, what methods work to keep it under control?

Rippppppped! I did some digging while sitting here in the waiting room at the docs office, and I keep finding studies indicating that estradiol is a TREATMENT for sebaceous acne (ethinyl estradiol to be precise) . I really don't remember where I had read it was E2 that did this, but it made sense as acne tends to flare up in men during PCT when testosterone is low and estradiol tends to be higher.

I wrote it off and really hadn't investigated since. What do you suppose would be the cause in the scenario above? I've read some, and it's possible that progesterone increases slightly as the T:E ratio falters, but that seems like a stretch.

Anyhoo, this is another reason why I enjoy the community here. People have different opinions and viewpoints - yet a civil discussion is possible, backed by science. :)

I don't think acne occurs at the beginning of pct when the TT:E ratio is low - I think it occurs DURING pct when we are actively attempting to increase TT levels and thereby increase the TT:E ratio.

Any increase in test can lead to acne production, regardless of whether its going from normal levels to super physiological, or from hypogonadal to normal. This would also explain why so many guys experience acne at the beginning stages of TRT while trying to get fully dialled in.
I don't think its a coincidence, for example, that clomid therapy is the most effective way of restoring natural test production outside of TRT - yet its also the most notorious for causing acne.

Then you have to consider the fact that your whole endocrine system is a bit of a mess during pct.
Since this whole system is also intricately involved in causing acne - the hormonal fluctuations may exacerbate the situation. This may be why guys report that acne during pct tends to be worse then on cycle.

In essence it boils down to the same thing.
Any attempt to increase TT levels, regardless of starting points, carries with it a risk of acne for those genetically predisposed to the condition.
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Acne is too complex to pin down. Otherwise it would have been done. It is because there are so many variables.

: hormone balance, inflammation, Insulin levels/response/sensativity, digestion, allergies and intolerances, liver function, adrenal function, SHBG levels, sebum quality, cell function and turnover, nutrient deficiencies and genetics control all of this.

Sebum is an issue, however it is not necessarily the volume of sebum, but the ratio and composition of fats/oils that make up your sebum. I have had people with completely oily skin that dont have acne. I have seen people with dry skin have terrible acne. That is because it is the chemical make-up of the sebum and ratio of oils that make the difference. Androgens in part control the ratios and quality of sebum. But not exclusively.

We can tinker with diet and supplementation, but the only way in my opinion to get rid of the acne is to do the following:

Go through a nutritional balancing program that monitors mineral stores in the body through hair-mineral analysis and then pinpoints the proper mineral supplementation needed. In my opinion this is awsome for your all around health and longevity.

The most important addition to combat acne is the RSO. It engages and regulates your bodys endocannabinoid system (which by the way has been found to have an impact on acne). I feel that the Rick Simpson Oil has an impact on the sebum quality and hyperkeratinization.

The one of the biggest marks of acne prone human's sebum is that it is deficient in linoleic acid. When we are altering our own hormone profile, I believe it has an impact on lipid metabolism on or near the skin resulting in this deficiency.

I do not know how to correct this other than the four methods below. Surely it cannot be fixed over night.

1)Rick Simpson Oil - engages cannabinoid system that may be malfunctioning or under-active in skin. The healthiest thing you can do for yourself is to make and consume this oil.

2)long-term consistent saunas - Effect of regular sauna on epidermal barrier function and stratum c... - PubMed - NCBI

3)Mineral Balancing protocol - sounds quacky, but I find it fascinating and personally has been helpful to me and my family. The body's mineral metabolism and mineral ratios really impact us. I believe you can alter and optimize your physiology by achieving optimal mineral stores/ratios. This is tracked by hair mineral analysis.

4)Lots of sunlight. Like 8-10 hours per day every day. Proper sleep in a completely dark room. Acne sufferers have been consistently shown to have a deficiency in Superoxide Dismutase. Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme found in all living cells. An enzyme is a substance that speeds up certain chemical reactions in the body. I have found a summary of some things that I believe are consistent with what I believe and may have an impact There is also a big connection between Superoxide dismutase - melatonin - lipid metabolism and linoleic acid levels.

Production of Superoxide Anions by Keratinocytes Initiates P. acnes-Induced Inflammation of the Skin

Oxidative Stress in Patients With Acne Vulgaris

Exposure to Room Light before Bedtime Suppresses Melatonin Onset and Shortens Melatonin Duration in Humans

Got rid of my acne. I had a pretty bad dose of acne into my 20's that didnt respond to anything. I have yet to cycle myself. Clearly, part of the acne equation is left to our bodys genetic response to androgens. There is no clear-cut way to alter your physiological response to unnatural androgen administration.

Above are just some alternate ways that I feel you can change or optimize your bodily/skin functions in a positive way, resulting in a better chance of not developing acne when the body is undergoing completely unnatural chemical swings as we cycle on and off.

I am aware that I do not have a ton of links. I have some data and may link more in the future as I go back and find it and as I find more. These concepts are currently still being studied in a lab setting. This is just me attempting to make sense of an annoying fu*kin condition that steroid users suffer. Depending on your chemical make-up and genetics, these options I have presented may be an viable option for you.
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Well im gonna give benadryl a try, if that doesnt work then ill keep using retina-a cream that does the job.....

For the long time aas users, did u guys find the longer you used aas the less acne you got? Does the body eventually learn to cope?