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Hello, just curious has anyone else experienced acne on the back and face several months after ending a cycle and post cycle therapy (pct). I have been through with my cycle for about 3 or 4 months now and I know it is a common side effect while on AAS, but I am still getting them and its worse now than when I was on them.
Acne is not caused by specific foods, but some foods may make some people the acne worse. If certain foods seem to aggravate your acne, try to avoid these foods.People with acne and acne-prone skin can use some cosmetics. To avoid clogging the pores, cosmetics and toiletries and sunscreens should be free of oil. An oil-free product will be labeled "non comedogenic" These cosmetics without oil can be applied every day and must be removed every evening with a mild cleanser and warm water.Waiting for acne to clear his own can be frustrating. It can also cause permanent scarring, poor self-image, depression and anxiety. To avoid these physical and emotional scars, dermatologists recommend that acne be treated properly. Treatment should be continued as long as necessary to prevent acne from recurring.
Thanks for that information. I eat pretty well but I know i eat something I shouldnt every now and then. I am on this medication what was expensive as all get out but my insurance paid most of the cost of the prescription but it doesnt work very well. Doctor also put me on deoxycycline which is an antibiotic and said it would help with the bacteria that sometimes cause acne. I have been on both for a month and they arent helping. I guess I will try the mild cleansers and just be careful what I eat and hopefully they will go away soon.
This is a good for skin. This medicine is an cruel, and I'm not sure he is on the market. However, it was a life saver. My acne when I was 19 years injured. skin was playing so hard that my cheeks are always painful, cracked and oozing. It took six months Accutane, and I wake up every morning, nosebleeds, but it worked. If I had not taken this drug, I suffered terrible facial scars. Instead, I have almost nothing. I do not remember side effects, so maybe I was lucky.
Dunno what causes that but hormone imbalance - shitty stuff. I have them on my biceps and forearms! like chicken pocs!!! i think it may have been GH or hcg... any thots?
Does high estrogen cause it too?
Hello, just curious has anyone else experienced acne on the back and face several months after ending a cycle and pct. I have been through with my cycle for about 3 or 4 months now and I know it is a common side effect while on AAS, but I am still getting them and its worse now than when I was on them.

It is very common for people to get acne on pct and a little after as well, in fact I dont even get acne ON cycle, just after. When you come off cycle your hormones are unbalanced and trying to get back to normal levels and I think thats what causes it. Improper pct or long cycles will make acne appear after pct as well.

If it doesnt get better soon take a 6 month cycle of accutane and get rid of acne for good, worked for me for years
This is a common and easy handle able problem.First of all just try to change your life style and food style and drink more water.For more acne remedy u can read this nice article from
Hello everyone,
One of my friend is having Acne problem and I am looking for some better treatment and find this forum...!! So I hope you will share some value able information,tips and suggestions..!

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I used proactive on my face.. it works.
I think it has to do something with sweat.. i had acne on my face when i wasn't on gear.. and it only started after i started working out.
Gear just makes it worse..
Myn spread from my cheeks to my forehead, and across my shoulders.. which i never had before.

ALSO, tanning beds/sun clears it up.
In summer, i go to the beach as often as i can.. i dont have acne in summer ;)
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I was having having between my cycles my trainers told me its to hot temp in my country that the reason for the acne but nw those are gone but m having black spots on that place....plz tell me how can i get rid of these..!!
Acne problem arises due to following habits and the habits are:
Less use of the water in our routine life
Don't use the home made food

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