Adding tren ace to first test e cycle


New member
I'm half way through my first test e cycle and I am not impressed weight gain 8 pounds and strength gain is virtually nothing. Now before all the verbal attacks come in let me clear a few things up. Yes it's real test. Ita medi star and my sex drive went way up and my balls shrunk to the size of peanuts. Yes I eat enough.
8:00 am- 1 cup oatmeal
5 eggs
5 slices bacon
Smoothie( berries skim milk and whey protien)
10 am- protien bar and apple

12:00 bowl of whole wheat pasta
1 apple
1 cup spinach
1 chicken breast
1/2 cup cottage cheese
Handful of almonds
3:00- 1 can tuna
5 slices cheese
Baked potato
1 cup broccoli
1 kiwi
6:00- 4 slices whole wheat bread
1- 16oz steak
1 pear
5 celery sticks
9:00- grilled salmon
1 apple
Sliced cucumber

11:00- just before bed/ I scoop slow digesting protien powder

Post workout is always 2 scoops whey and a banana

Yes my training is right.
Monday chest-abs
Tuesday- back
Wednesday- legs
Thursday- shoulders
Friday- arms
Sat- legs
Sun- rest

I try to go mostly for 3-5 reps. Certain exercises such as shrugs I go more reps and some body parts like bi's I do drop sets. I work my legs twice a week because they are my main focus. I usually do 4 or 5 sets of exercises and spend 1 1/12 to 2 1/2 hours in the gym a day.

My cycle is week 1-12 500 mg test e per week shots split into 2 250 shots Monday morning and Thursday night. I am taking adex throughout and have since day one. I do not want bloat only lean gains. Starting week 10 I will begin hcg injections 500iu Monday and Thursday will do this for week 10,11,12+ bridge in 13, 14 and then I will discontinue and start post cycle therapy (pct) nolva 40/40/20/20 plus clomid 100/100/50/50 I will run adex all the way trough until last day of post cycle therapy (pct) and discontinue with post cycle therapy (pct). So far on y cycle I went from 184lbs and roughly 6 % bf to 192 and. Bench wet from 255 once to 265 twice. Squat/ deadlift/ shoulder press all virtually didn't move maybe 5 pounds shoulder press. I am very disappointed with results so far and am going to up dosage to 600 a week of test and through in tren ace 75 mg every second day from week 6 to 10 then just test again for 11 and 12 the reason I will discontinue tren is because I want to run nolva post cycle therapy (pct) and have heard u can't unless tren is discontinued 2 weeks prior to test ad therefore 4 weeks prior to post cycle therapy (pct). I know tren is not recommended for beginners and can be harsh that is why I will start small and go wth ace because it will be out of my system in 3 days if I find the sides too harsh. I have reacted very well to test. Zero acne and bloat( but I am on adex) no hair thinning. Te only side is shrunken balls which is what hcg is for. Please give feed back on this. I am sure I will hear the whole "you can't do tren" but that's ok I am inexperienced and so just looking for advice. Thanks
you should just up your test-how do you know its not under dosed? BTW your bulking diet is what i cut on.
do what your doing...but eat the same food x4!!!!!!!!!one can a tuna!!wtf...One chicken breast!!wtf....EAT!!
Thanks for the quik response. Also great point. I have a feeling it may be underdosed. I feel that may be why I got smal gains and small sides as in it's working but not powerful. What should I up it to? And so you think the 4 weeks of tren would really be that bad? There's no chance it'd be ok for me to do a small amount of tren?
its not that it will kill ya, but once you do tren you wont wanna try other shit. you should learn at least a few other compounds first, weaker ones.

750 a week-there is a HUGE difference between that and 500. if your sure its under dosed you could always run a ml EOD :wiggle:
haha that's funny because a friend of mine who supplies me said once you do tren you won't want to do anything else ever again. I really want to do just that small amount though. It would give me that nice hard look and hopefully add a bit more size and strength. Could this end up being bad for me? If I do it can I still run nolva pct? And if I get bad sides I can just discontinue it is that right?
Well jimbo like I said I'm open to suggestions I'm learning here so I'm not saying my way is right I'm asking for help. If you believe different than what others have posted please tell me. I will up my food intake I did not realize it was too low. What feedback do you have on the tren? Clearly you don't agree. For what reason? My friend did TNT first cycle loved it never looked back all he has done since are variations of tren cycles. I figured if it is too harsh or whatever that's the good thing about it being in and out of your system so quick. Say week one I think it's too harsh discontinue it and there should be no problem that's why I chose ace over enanthate.
can you get some NPP? mild tren pretty much and your joints will love you for it.

I always tell guys using tren on a first cycle is like getting your cherry popped by the hottest bitch in the world, it will go by way too fast and sex will never be the same. why do you want to ruin it so fast?
I'm not sure what npp is bro. I'm aure I can get it can you educate me a bit? And well honesty I want to do it so fast because I'm an athlete and I only have time for one cycle and then the wait time until it's undetectable in my system before next season. I need this after recovering from a serious injury and having lost so much strength that took ao many years to build and well my career is over if I do not do something to regain my spot so I started test and I want to through in a bit of tren for that extra.
NPP is nandrolome phenyl propionate. basically deca that has a short ester. its like the diff between tren a and tren e.

if your coming off injury thats even more of a reason to run nandrolone rather than tren. it will ease the pain on the joints. My joints hurt like hell on tren.
Ok first man I just want to say thanks because you always post replies and it helps. And I never considered Decca because I heard it stays in ur system for a year. What's the profile on this npp stuff Like does it add strength and size does it cut does it make u bloat what kinda aides are there.
its basically a mild tren. you have to remember diet determines everything. water weight comes and goes. you can control your water wieght in many ways. water consumption being the biggest factor. if youve hit a wall you need to change your routine. nothing wrong with going 10-12 reps every 3rd week.
So I just read up a bit on it and from what I can tell there isn't too much known about it as it's quite rare as in not many labs sell it. So as annoying as I'm probably being I still don't fully understand it. It seems like it says it causes bloat so wouldn't this just be like dbol. I don't really see how it is like tren no hard pure muscle gain no rage no real fat loss it seems like it gives u moderate strength and size like dbol.
have you ever done dbol? dont get me wrong i get strong on tren but nothing like popping 50-60mg of dbol before the gym. if your reading the AAS profiles........dont. they suck.
ive often wondered why everyone says nandrolone makes you hold so much water, it barely aromatizes. I myself like to cut on deca. the pumps are unreal. i get really hungry on it too, the opposite of tren. tren is a great compound, but i still appreciate other compounds. im not gonna run tren on every cycle, but thats cause i ran the others first.
Haha well I'm half way through my cycle so I'm not going to start dbol maybe I will next cycle. But that's why tren a is so appealing I can Start half way through for 4 weeks and hopefully add that hard muscular look. That's ideal for athletes less fat equals more speed and power. And more muscle equals stronger better athlete. This cycle had nothing to do with looks for me purely performance. I just don't know what to do.
im not suggesting do dbol, just saying the whole bloat water thing is bullshit. water is good. tren is not an athlete compound. it makes you gain size, even if you eat like a girl.

i think youve got your goals confused. if your looking for strength and power without the weight, var would be more along those lines.