Adding tren ace to first test e cycle

Hey so I didn't up dosage I just uped food intake and I am going to start var on Monday just for some extra strength and speed. Just curious though how much should I take a day I could go 80 a day for 6 weeks or is that dosage too high?
add all the compounds you want..adding the extra pounds wont come from that..

Var wont help with the gains...if you don't feel strength fro the test..than give it more time..or it's bunk!

Your diet was bunk..maybe your training needs a jump?? jump on all the gear you want...but you need the 2 things that most benefit to improve........but im prolly don't listen.
Man you act like I'm ignoring you. I don't think your wrong I don't know what's right that's why I'm asking. I could try and change my training I've been doing our strength program that our strength and conditioning coach made for us. I improved my diet. And I had considered my gear to be bunk but man my nuts are seriously the size of peanuts. Is there a way that I could have that side and still have fake test? Cuz I haven't got any acne and my strength gains have been very minimal. So could it maybe be underdosed? Like something is up I just don't lnow what. Even though my food intake was low before it wasn't that bad of a diet that I shouldn't be getting results.
It's test e 250 mg per ml it is testovorin by medi star pharm. Sealed cap ruber stopper. All evenly filled. Oil is goldish color and I 6 weeks ago Monday.
My start weight was 183.4 today it is 194.1 but the thing is I haven't noticed that much strength and I have been eating more. I have noticed harder wood increased sex drive. Shrunken balls and aggression but I'm worried it nght be in my head placibo effect and all that. Is it jar slow to kick in for me?
your strength should be up by now-or next week. you have the signs your test is real. are you going for the heavier weights? aint nothing to it but to do it.

I know alot of people disagree with me, but i ran legit Normas on my first cycle and stepped it up to 750 about 6-7. just wasnt seeing the gains at 500 i wanted. to each their own.
Ya a lot of people ripped me apart for saying i wanted to go up to 600 but that's because I'm thinking that it's slightly underdosed. One thing that makes me think that it might not be real is no acne WTF I was expecting some not that I'm complaining but I found it weird. But ya I'll give it til the end of this week then I will probably up it if I don't see good results and I'm adding var next week as well.
And ya I'm staying in the 2-5 range for reps usually finishing with my max or heavier with a spot to try and get use to heavier weights. I jut haven't seen that change in my body I wanted.
test and tren cycle 12 weeks beginner..

i am a beginer to the steroids phase and i want to get immediate feed back to this. i am about to start taking tren and test on this my first cycle and i want to know is thats kool if im looking to get ripped and lean and get stronger. i am cureently at 215 i think and have a nice sloid shape just so flabby and i have man boobs since i was a kid but there in form of a chest just a little saggy at the end arole section and i have a flabby gut but its not reaslly that big and my thighs are chunky i just wanna know basically taking tren a nd test for my first cycle can it get me in a beach body shape or on the road to it. i have a good workut a out and have access to a great military base gym so thats cook so if u think u can help it is much appreicated.. thanks!!?
Alright thanks oak for the advice. I'll post again at the end of the week to see if I have gained any more strength or size
Hey so I gained a bit more strength on my bench. I'm starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu every 5 days on Monday cuz man my balls are gooonnne! I wil run it all the way up to pxt ten discontinue and start with nolv and clo. I am also starting var on Monday so I'm just wondering what I should start at 60 ed? More? Less? And also can I run var through pct or do I need to discontinue and do pct for my var as well as the test?
discontinue and do post cycle therapy (pct). you will read stuff on the net saying you can "bridge" it through post cycle therapy (pct). That is a crock of shit.
Ok so should I do it right up to pct like end the day before or end when I end my test? And 50, 60, 70, 80 mg Ed how much?
Hey so I need some quick input I woke up this morning and can't tell for aure but I think my nipples are slightly swollen and my right nipple is a little sore should I take some nolva? How much and what time of day if so or should I wait and see if it is really signs of gyno?