Advanced vets only please! Thank guys


New member
Alright gents and gals. Haven't posted in forever.

Anyways I did my first body building competition off of this cycle:
Weeks 1-14 tren ace 700-900mg a week
Weeks 1-24 EQ 1000mg
IGF-1 LR3 20 weeks at 50mcg Ed
Weeks 1- (infinity sign) testosterone c TRT dose

And I ended up placing 2nd in heavy weights. I surprised myself big time, I didn't expect to place due to inexperience but I'm happy with the results.

Well I have a show coming up in 4 months and this is my cycle that's planned so far. So please critique as need be. I've gone over it with a ifbb pro but who knows, maybe someone else knows more.

So this is the cycle I'm planning;

Weeks 1-12 tren hex 900mg

Hgh 5ius daily for 6 months

Anadrol weeks 1-3 100mg
Weeks 3-6 150mg

Weeks 8-12 winny 100mg eod

Weeks 8-12 clen

On cycle support adex 1mg e3d
Prami .25mg ED

I'm on TRT so no need for pct. please let me know your opinions and what to maybe add and take away. Thanks!
I see 6 months is your longest running compound, as HGH. Show is in 4 months.

Everything else is no more than 3 months running.

What do you think you should have running in your system come show time? And when do you plan to begin this?
Only comment I have is Tren lowers your natural t3 so I would supplement that as well at about 100-120mcg/ day. That being said I have no experience with HGH so if that's the reason you're not running it I could maybe see that. Also, I'd run the clen about 2 weeks longer as you'll want to be leanest come show time. Therefore I'd also get some keto and start it after the first 2 weeks. What you have looks good, my suggestions would just be small tweaks to perfect
Sind sie Deutsch or an American living working there...just nosey is all.

Fuk me...I got nothing..that type of cycle is beyond both my experience and ability to comprehend but I wll say
Awesome on other show...
Good luck with the upcoming show.

Alles gutes in 2016....
does winny dry you out? Anavar hardens/dries me out better. of course the dosage is up there but you don't seem to have an issue there.
Only thing I could think of that someone in a competition would use that I do not see is a diuretic. I don't have any experience with diuretics though so I can't really make any suggestions. That is a pretty advanced cycle I have a feeling your going to want to talk to some bodybuilders who do competitions for advice on it. You might want to consider cutting out the HGH before the competition I know it can cause water retention. I can't really think of anything else to tell you that might be of any help good luck with the competition.
Oral win I'd use Ed instead of eod. Personally I like tren ace better. You got good results with it before
Congrats and good luck
So there is so much wrong with the cycle you ran before. 1) it's not safe to run aren that long. I 'd do a lot different. Tren, winny, prop for the Win. IGF