Advice on 2nd cycle... TBD let me know your feedback!

I'd suggest deca and test for a leaner bulk. If you're ok blowing up a bit and losing the water weight from dbol down the line, then go for the dbol. Dbol is liver toxic and can put your e levels out of whack pretty quickly.

Dbol will give you rapid gains whereas you'll have to wait 5-6 weeks+ for deca to kick in. If you run a deca cycle do 14 weeks of deca and 16 weeks of test. You'll need min 400mg/wk deca.

What test dose was the first cycle?

thanks for your input...i dont mind blowing up a little with the dbol then leaning down towards the end. my first test cycle was at 500mg week of test only, then pct...

The only, if I may, reason I d go with d bol over deca is sides will be e2 related and NOT e2 and potential prolactin etc ergo--- 2 front s to wage war on with 2 diff tactics ie drug s to counter sides.

BUT -- d bol aroma. like a mo fo and though I love d bol s "feel good " properties, the Michelin man s not en vogue in South Mississippi heat.
AND the gains though quickly gotten, are as quickly lost. But they are fun as hell when everythings get s lighter every week.
It s why I like to date married or very young s quick intense but has NO future--perfection.

In Fall and winter water looks good in a shirt.
Poolside ?
...not so much.
so dbol aromotizes easily? id be running .5mg adex eod cuz i naturally have a little higher e sides...
We can chop up some geritol and do line s on the hood of my friends Bronco he don t care. I got plenty...ya ll come on by.

I'll remember to bring extra ammo for target practice this time and some good Bocephus tunes too :)
So I decided on my cycle... Test with deca and dbol to kickstart... Week 1 here we go... Running purity source labs gear and orals!! Running caber and prami with Adex and hcg... Also running hgh but been on that...
I'd suggest deca and test for a leaner bulk. If you're ok blowing up a bit and losing the water weight from dbol down the line, then go for the dbol. Dbol is liver toxic and can put your e levels out of whack pretty quickly.

Dbol will give you rapid gains whereas you'll have to wait 5-6 weeks+ for deca to kick in. If you run a deca cycle do 14 weeks of deca and 16 weeks of test. You'll need min 400mg/wk deca.

What test dose was the first cycle?
i forgot to mention im taking NAC to help combat the liver toxicity from the dbol. this was advised to me from a vet on another board. the first test dose of my first cycle was 500mg/week.... pct everything went well but got puffy nips due to it. not too worried as im going to have the surgery at some point by one of the best surgeons in the country. thanks for your input! my deca is at 500mgs/week so i think im good for 12 weeks on that one.
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strength has already gone up. im lifting a little more and have more sets in me. dont know if its psychological or due to the cycle... had a great pump today... moving forward with PSL weapons! guns
Man I had a shitty nights sleep last night and don't know if it's the compounds or just my mind racing.... Kinda spooked me a little.anywho I'll keep on carrying on with psl products and let u guys know how I'm doing.... Still have a little pip from the injections yesterday.... Gona make it through it tho! :). Keep it moving baby
Dude, you are welcome to tell me I'm way off base here..... and I'm no Internet psychologist.... but here's the vibe I get from you.

You are an intense, impatient and anxious personality. This, focused correctly, can be of great advantage. BUT! Steroids have a tendency to amplify personality traits. And you need to know this. And know yourself. And control it! Focus it.

We now have insane amounts of information at our fingertips. You read it (I hope). Studied it. Got some direct input, right?

And then you jumped in. Right or wrong. Ready or not. Show some confidence in your decisions and run with it! Control your anxiety.

If you now 2nd guess it, if you now want to tweak it, if you now question the path you have launched into..... then YOU WERE NOT READY!

To thine own self be true

Start a blog. Show us progress. Work, eat, sleep, repeat. You WILL make gains.
Hey thanks for your advice man... It really hit home.. I'm a little bit of an anxious persona naturally so I guess this is amplified through the aas.... I'll control my cycle and just do it! So far I have made some gains at the gym. I've been lifting slightly heavier weights. Nothing crazy but a small bump in lifting. Already.....

Old duffer- thanks for you honest opinion. I'll take that home with me. I'll keep this log updated on my PSL cycle. Thanks again PSL!!!!!
Little update... So far things are going well.... My cycle is coming along the only side I've noticed is it takes me longer to fall asleep... Anyone know what might be causing this? The test, deca or dbol? One compound I think is causing it...I'm hoping it passes. Luckily it's not taking me away from the gym. Still going no matter what. Staying hardcore.... Oh and there was less pip on my last injection. So I think. It was maybe technique that caused the first pip when I pinned....anywho thanks again PSL!
Excellent! There's gonna be ups n downs, but it'll start happening for ya.

I made slow gains in my last go until about week 6. Then things kicked up a notch!

That's the patience thing. You're gonna have to give it a month.... Yes, A MONTH before assessing. That is if you are using enanthate. It builds slow.

You'll do just fine :-)
Excellent! There's gonna be ups n downs, but it'll start happening for ya.

I made slow gains in my last go until about week 6. Then things kicked up a notch!

That's the patience thing. You're gonna have to give it a month.... Yes, A MONTH before assessing. That is if you are using enanthate. It builds slow.

You'll do just fine :-)
right on, thanks man...looking forward to the gains!