Advice on first Helladrol cycle


New member
I've done some research and this is what I'm planning for my first Helladrol cycle. I'd appreciate any feedback with tweaks, no matter how minor (like timing). Also, if I'm wasting money please let me know if I can drop something.

1-6 helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/125 (am/pm)
1-8 n2guard (lunch/before bed)
3-10 hcgenerate
3-10 forma stanzol

pct 7-10

7-10 clomid 50/50/25/25
7-10 unleahsed/post cycle combo
7-8 n2guard
7-10 hcgenerate
7-10 daa powerchews or powder (3g before workout)
7-10 need2slin

Like I said, I'm a little unsure of the timing and duration of some of these. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I would just save the N2Guard until after your cycle. That's just how I personally like to set up shop. I think you're best served using that in PCT and beyond since that's when you're going to be doing all of your recovery back to homeostasis.

Drop the clomid dose to 25/25/25/ will still be just as effective at that dose and if you wanted to instead you could run it at 25mg for 6 weeks which overall is a better option

Other than that, looks fine. You can tell all your helladrol at once or split it up throughout the day....doesn't matter. Take your clomid, DAA, and unleashed before bed
I thought n2guard was primarily for protecting you while on since your cholesterol levels get all wacky and such. That's why some people say they preload with it before they start.


Thanks for the clomid advice. Appreciate it.
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I would run it how u have laid out. I wouldnt take hcgenerate while on and take double dose in post cycle therapy (pct). I'd even take more clomid than what u have. I'd be at 100mg the 1st wk of post cycle therapy (pct).

As for the cycle, id run 100mg the whole time, I'd take 3/3am/pm of forma the whole cycle and post cycle therapy (pct). everything else is pretty good.

You will see, everyone will take a slight different route.
Thanks gymrat!

When you say 3/3am/pm of forma, do you mean 3 pumps in the am and 3 pumps in the pm? I was thinking of doing way more than that. Like 8-10 pumps am and 8-10 pumps pm.

Or is that too much and a waste of money?
I thought n2guard was primarily for protecting you while on since your cholesterol levels get all wacky and such. That's why some people say they preload with it before they start.


Thanks for the clomid advice. Appreciate it.

they are going to be whacky regardless of taking N2Guard or not...and I also don't like the potential for N2Guard to block the absorption of the I save my N2Guard for PCT when i'm trying to get my body back to homeostasis.

they just won't be as whacked out if you're taking it while on....however, your body will still take a hit...personally I have done it both each his own
Cool. Thanks for all the help. Last question. Should I split up the HCGenerate doses or just do them all at once? What time is best in the day for the best benefits?
Argh! So confusing...

Other than the interaction between n2guard and helladrol are there any others that should be spaced apart to avoid less than optimal absorption?

Thanks for all the responses!
I know half lives come in to play but as far as these ancillaries go, as long as you're getting them in I wouldn't stress too much. I'm not a big believer in all these "interactions".
I just wanted to update. Helladrol is the real deal. I just wanted to highlight the need to drink AT LEAST 1.5 gallons of water with this oral. Minimum. I saw a difference if I drank 32 ounces of water before I took my AM dose first thing in the morning.

Other than that so far no sides at all. Thanks for all the help and advice from everyone.
I just wanted to update. Helladrol is the real deal. I just wanted to highlight the need to drink AT LEAST 1.5 gallons of water with this oral. Minimum. I saw a difference if I drank 32 ounces of water before I took my AM dose first thing in the morning.

Other than that so far no sides at all. Thanks for all the help and advice from everyone.

Did you go with dylangemelli's advice? To run N2Guard during and spacing out of doses hella 4 hrs N2guard etc etc?
I did follow dylangemelli's advice. The more research I did it just makes sense to do that with a methyl.

If dylan (or anyone else) wants to chime in I have a question about a 'bridge'. I've seen people talking about using non-methyl ph's as a bridge. How does that work? Say with helladrol would it be something like:

helladrol: 100 mgs weeks 1-6
6-mdrol: 200 mgs weeks 3-8
pct: weeks 9-12

Would that make the 'bridge' the weeks 7 and 8? Can the term 'bridge' mean the time between the cycle and post cycle therapy (pct)? Or does 'bridge' strictly mean something between cycles?

Thinking more about it, I guess my question is about 'bridge' and how to stack hella and 6mdrol.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Thanks Dylan!

How long after the PCT of your cycle do you usually wait to start a bridge? Right after? A few weeks? etc.
Thanks for all this info, this is a great thread! How does this info on SARMS apply to those of us that are on HRT?
Right on!
So then while on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) I could run something like this?

Helladrol 1-6
N2Guard 1- 6

then after 6 weeks:

1-8 Ostarine 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-8 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-8 GW-510516 10-20 mg day... split doses 12 hours apart
1-8 HcGenerate
1-8 N2guard
3-8 Albuterol 12-18 mg day
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I'm starting my 5th week and the gains have been great. Definite strength and endurance gains as well as size. I just wanted to throw out some modifications I made for any other newbs out there if they stumble upon this thread.

First, the back pumps started getting annoying around the third week. My advice would be just to do Taurine 3xday @ 6g total/day from the beginning. Also, I added Hawthorne Berry to help with high blood pressure. After about the second week I was seeing a lot of spots after sets and getting headaches during my workouts. Since adding the Hawthorne Berry it's been fine. I ended up settling on a dose of 1.5g/day spaced throughout. Finally, water is a must on this oral. I previously said 1.5 gallon a day. Scratch that. 2 gallon a day minimum. Once I upped my water intake the back pumps went from annoying to manageable. Also, I started cramping a bit when maxing out or doing negatives before upping my water intake.

Thanks again for all your help Dylan! I'll be back to update with the final numbers after the cycle and then again after PCT.

I've decided to add Ostarine to my PCT, but not S4. The vision thing freaked me out. Also, I heard that Ost has sides at high dosage so I'll probably dose it at 15mg.