Last question for tonight.
Last cycle i used 21g draw and 23g needles for pinning.
No matter "where" I pinned in my delts I had pain for 1-3 days. Making it impossible to train shoulders the same day.
This time i bought, 21g, 23g, 25g, 27g needles and will mostly use 25g/27g for all pinning.
But im curious what I could have done wrong. I still got this pain when my PT injected for me, just less pain.
Any ideas why ? Never had any pain in butt/quads what so ever.
With ED pinning I'll be rotating, both ass checks, quads and delts. So about 1 area per week (I'll rotate and use butt 3 times per week i guess)
Sounds reasonable ?
Sorry for the spam tonight but its getting close and im super excited and really wanna do it right this time.
My fuckup last cycle was not listening to everyone with actual experience. (yes, yes i know, hindsight is 20/20..