Advice on second cycle (TestP, trenA, dbol / winny)

Are you running this 2nd cycle yet bro? How's it goin?

Gonna start 1st of april, i'll make sure to start a thread in the log. Been bit busy with real life so haven't had a time to check forums the past weeks.
I've also hired 3J for the coming 6 months as well for my diet needs.
I'm also able to get my hand on pharmacy hgh from Pfizer, bit expensive but im considering adding it.

Did a new bloodwork last week and my test levels dropped by almost 50%, im guessing clomid raised my test levels, such a dramatic drop. Still middle range for my age.
Interesting part is that my estro is naturally quite high, almost top reference value. Been suspecting it since i've always been quite emotional and "in touch with my feelings" lol :P

I hate hate myself for not getting bloodwork before first cycle...feels so retarded never knowing what my true reference values is/was :(
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Bought 360iu pharma pfizer genotropin.
Leaving igf-1 and c-peptide bloodwork this week but gonna run 2-4iu ED before bedtime, aiming 6 months but starting with 3-4 months and reevaluating..
I'm looking for fat loss and health benefits, most likely not going above 4iu and keeping my heart and other organs the size they came in lol :P
Have another tattoo session next week and then starting 1st of april :D
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