Advice on second cycle (TestP, trenA, dbol / winny)

Let me set the this to rest again by some Simple minded thinking PLUS my experience with this taking time off during cycle.

Remember this is a marathon not a sprint. Remember that we need REST to repair and grow. A thought ... during cycle we are training monsters and are extra hard at it. It NEVER hurts to take a week off. As a matter of fact I myself due to injuries, tendonitis etc... and have been forced to take some time off DURING a cycles more then once in my BB career. . A week and a few days here and there will only secure good recovery as to where you are at the time. I have been on cycle just training my ass off... got tired and have taken a day or 3 off only to come back strong.

Not bashing... but why would anyone consider we would loose gains or slow down our growth while on steroids just because we missed a week or two. YOU were building muscle before cycle, during cycle and will continue afterwards if you continue eating and training. Please , think , this is not rocket science. A missed injection or two or a week or two off during a 12 PLUS week cycle you will never notice. Never. Go easy light or take time off it will NOT matter.

If you take the week off you will only come back stronger, ha, yep at mid cycle you wil train again like a beast. :)

Know this all the synergistic activity of a cycle does not stop suddenly just because we took a few days or so off of training. Again our bodies are not digital.

Stop the concern, get the tats and take a few days off. It will do you good, Trust me. I've been around. TY

In a nutshell... I need a new PT.
He's not bad bad, his training is very good but he's getting old and so is his "cycle information". His prime (stage time) was over 10 years ago.
He's the one drilling me like im in military boot camp.
One missed session (5 instead of 6 days, in a week, while on cycle) will make him go "nuts" lol... :P
At the same time, he's the reason I keep training and pushing myself so hard. He's sort of my discipline how silly it might sound :)

Once again, i just want to say thank you.
I know you think everything is so easy and common sense for you... but for me, im part afraid to fuck up again, im part perfectionist but mostly I feel AAS is a dangerous game when "played wrong".
So my new approach is, I'd rather ask a "stupid" question and openly look stupid here then regret it for the rest of my life lol :D
Its both very refreshing and nice seeing someone with knowledge that doesnt make it complicated for the sake of complicated. I like you Mike #nohomo ;)
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In a nutshell ... Take a week off and get the tattoos you made an important appointment you have everyday for the rest of your life to train.

You silly boy :insane:

Just one question, since im pinning ED.
Should I keep pinning ED to keep blood levels stables or should I skip some ?
I dont wanna make my blood levels go for a roller coaster mid cycle :)

Thank you :)
NO man do not stop..... Ha what did we say now about simple :dance2: if we take something out of our protocol lets make sure it is as little as possible so when back on point we just merge back in with the synergistic activity continued.

Your Q's are good man, I come off grouchy sometimes even though I do try not to. A defect of mind as per my disorders. Anyway just keep it all c r u i s i n g like all was normal. Listen this is short. If it were a month 3-4 weeks we might make many other choices as to what to do... No need to go there. But that is different.

G2G man......

Oh Wait, PS :
Listen to you... ah ha ha haa lol .......
How many times on this and another thread have YOU said... :) " One more Question ? " .. :nerd: :laugh3: :insane:... lol lol lol Mike :)
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Oh Wait, PS :
Listen to you... ah ha ha haa lol .......
How many times on this and another thread have YOU said... :) " One more Question ? " .. :nerd: :laugh3: :insane:... lol lol lol Mike :)

Hahah. Long story short, i've always been bit introvert and not shy more reservered around people but in my job career I learned quickly from my mentor...
No question is stupid...stupid is being unsure, not asking and fucking up something that didnt need to be fucked up.
(His favorite quote is "Assumption is the mother of all fuckups")
Since then I guess I tend to ask a alot.

And not to kiss ass lol but you are both kind, direct and i just love your simple common sense approach to things.
I overthink and over analyze even the tiniest thing to almost a sickly level lol. So I'm grateful for the balance you and others provide me here.
Which just leads to "one more question" haha. :)
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Been thinking about my gear. Someone said "save it for next cycle" but I'd rather finish it all. Maybe i'll make new friends with better sources or gear, real life interferes and it expires or whatever reason.

What would be best ?
Increase my 8 week plan from 80 to 85mg/ed (from 560 to 595mg per week).

Or add a "starter" week and extend the cycle by 1 week.
That optional week would be something like this:

Test p 50mg / ED
Day 1 0.13mg Adex(gonna be crumbles by weight, mixed in water) / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

Thanks :)
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For best history/tracking how many blood works should you do ?
I was thinking of doing my 2nd, 1 week before start.
Then another after 5 weeks, then another 5 weeks after that and a follow up 3 months after that, assuming I don't get any "reasons for concerns" or sides etc.

That sounds reasonable ? Or should I do it more often, less often, add more blood works ? (Cycle is only 8, maybe 9 weeks + PCT)
Mostly interested in seeing my overall health during cycle, estrogen levels and adjust my AI if needed and of course test levels :D
(I'm using "underground brands/labs" for everything so who knows what the actual doses i'll be taking are but my source doesn't have anything better so it'll have todo..)

Thanks as usual for your time and input :)
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More and more last minute questions lol :P

Been thinking about my training regimen.

My initial plan was 2.5 hours(30 min for warmup, stretching, cardio) gym 6 days a week. (I train/aim to train each muscle group twice per week)
And 1.5hours boxing/cardio training 4 days a week.
(This would mean double sessions 4 days a week, spaced about 4-5 hours between)

But I'm wondering if thats "overdoing" it and maybe i should hit the gym 5 times per week instead ?
And get 2 days rest on the weekends ? I mean, we grow when we rest but I'm unsure while on cycle due to the much faster recovery. (My PT tells me strict 6 days a week)
I hear mikes voice in the back of my head "Dont complicate it, listen to your body and train as much as you feel like" hahah :P

But what would be considered "overtraining" while on cycle ?
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And a stupid question before bedtime...

One of the sides i had last cycle was the inability to orgasm/ejaculate(For most of my PCT, no problems on cycle), which I understand is due to prolactin levels ?
Don't get me wrong but I kinda liked that side effect... Girls literally couldnt take it anymore and "passed out"... It sucked big time not being able to finish...but why is there no pharmacy made drug for this(think "super-viagra") ?
Who doesn't want to be the one hour superman from time to time ?

How dangerous is this ? I dont want sides but I would lie if I didnt want it just a little bit lol :O
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So for various reason this cycle as been postponed forever it feels like.
But i do have a start date now and its last week of feb.

I have bloodwork planned in 2 weeks and I might be forced to donate blood before I start cycle, instead of planned wk 5 below. (stupid regulations and cant leave more then once every 3 months).

This is my final plan and would just love some "stamp of approval" from you experienced pro's. Changes from last post are:
I've decided to run 10 weeks, cut dbol to 4 weeks, cut tren to 6 weeks and not running dbol/tren at the same time, mostly for blood pressure reasons.

Does this sound reasonable ?
Anything You would change ?

week 1----------------------------
Day 1 0.5mg Adex / EOD
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 2----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
0.5mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 3----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays
0.5mg Adex / EOD

week 4----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays
0.5mg Adex / EOD

week 5----------------------------
"tatto week. no training, might postpone tren start another week.
Bloodwork around wednesday morning.
Will aim to donate blood this or previous week, its not so easy to just donate here.

Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 20mg / ED (Increasing dose over the week)
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 6----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 7----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 8----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 9----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 10----------------------------
HCG 250-500iu / everyday leading up to pct.
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD

week 11----------------------------
Last pin on sunday wk 10.
Last HCG on sunday. wk10.
Wednesday start:
Clomid 100mg / ED
Nolva 40mg / ED

week 12----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 40mg / ED

week 13----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 20mg / ED

week 14----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 20mg / ED

week 15----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 20mg / ED

Week 18--------
Blood work again.
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Should I take the silence as something positive or negative ?
Changed this cycle so many times now I'm doubting myself but I feel like its gonna be an effective and solid cycle.

Still, I have this lingering feeling the more I research and learn...the less i freaking know :(
If you want a laugh...look at the first cycle I planned on page 1.. ;)

So any input is appreciated. Thanks!!!
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Thinking about bloodworks and dialing in my AI, going from test/dbol to test/tren.

What would be the best week to do bloodwork ?
Do i need multiple ones during the cycle ?

What do you pro's recommend to stay optimal so to speak ?
I'm being kind of lazy and don't want to go read three pages of posts - what is your most recent thinking and cycle plan?

For bloodwork pre-cycle is to check liver, kidneys, lipids are all good to go, and if you are PCT'ing to get a baseline for test & estrogen, and if cru i sing to see where your test dosage puts you and if AI is dialed in.

For on cycle depends on what ester of test you are using, enanthate 5 weeks, cyp 7 weeks would give you an early glimpse. If you are kicking off with dbol and want to see estrogen it's a more complicated decision since you are probably not going to run it 5 weeks and definitely not 7.
I'm being kind of lazy and don't want to go read three pages of posts - what is your most recent thinking and cycle plan?

For bloodwork pre-cycle is to check liver, kidneys, lipids are all good to go, and if you are PCT'ing to get a baseline for test & estrogen, and if cru i sing to see where your test dosage puts you and if AI is dialed in.

For on cycle depends on what ester of test you are using, enanthate 5 weeks, cyp 7 weeks would give you an early glimpse. If you are kicking off with dbol and want to see estrogen it's a more complicated decision since you are probably not going to run it 5 weeks and definitely not 7.

The plan hasn't really changed anymore. I'm not taking a break mid cycle for tattoo and instead i'll start cycle 1st april. This date is now set in stone and my schedule is all cleared for 4ish months.
I'm doing my second off cycle blood work 5th of march, just to make sure everything is still good to go, i'm also getting the fsh/estrogen panel this time as a baseline reference going into cycle.

I'm running prop for entire cycle but only dbol for the first 4 weeks.
For the first 4 weeks i'm running adex 0.5 mg eod. After 0.25mg eod.
I plotted the graph and since dbol has such short half life, should i adjust my AI on second dose after stopping dbol ? Or should i follow the adex half life ?
And in all of this, where should i do blood work ? week 5 or 6 ?

For reference here is my cycle.

week 1----------------------------
Day 1 0.5mg Adex / EOD
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 2----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
0.5mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 3----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays
0.5mg Adex / EOD

week 4----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays
0.5mg Adex / EOD

week 5----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 20mg / ED (Increasing dose over the week)
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 6----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 7----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 8----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 9----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 10----------------------------
HCG 250-500iu / everyday leading up to pct.
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD

week 11----------------------------
Last pin on sunday wk 10.
Last HCG on sunday. wk10.
Wednesday start:
Clomid 100mg / ED
Nolva 40mg / ED

week 12----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 40mg / ED

week 13----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 20mg / ED

week 14----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 20mg / ED

week 15----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 20mg / ED

Week 18--------
Blood work again.
The plan hasn't really changed anymore. I'm not taking a break mid cycle for tattoo and instead i'll start cycle 1st april. This date is now set in stone and my schedule is all cleared for 4ish months.
I'm doing my second off cycle blood work 5th of march, just to make sure everything is still good to go, i'm also getting the fsh/estrogen panel this time as a baseline reference going into cycle.

I'm running prop for entire cycle but only dbol for the first 4 weeks.
For the first 4 weeks i'm running adex 0.5 mg eod. After 0.25mg eod.
I plotted the graph and since dbol has such short half life, should i adjust my AI on second dose after stopping dbol ? Or should i follow the adex half life ?
And in all of this, where should i do blood work ? week 5 or 6 ?

For reference here is my cycle.

week 1----------------------------
Day 1 0.5mg Adex / EOD
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 2----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
0.5mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 3----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays
0.5mg Adex / EOD

week 4----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
dbol 40mg / 4 times / day
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays
0.5mg Adex / EOD

week 5----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 20mg / ED (Increasing dose over the week)
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 6----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 7----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 8----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 9----------------------------
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD
HCG 250iu / Monday/Thursdays

week 10----------------------------
HCG 250-500iu / everyday leading up to pct.
Test p 80mg / ED
tren a 40mg / ED
0.25mg Adex / EOD

week 11----------------------------
Last pin on sunday wk 10.
Last HCG on sunday. wk10.
Wednesday start:
Clomid 100mg / ED
Nolva 40mg / ED

week 12----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 40mg / ED

week 13----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 20mg / ED

week 14----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 20mg / ED

week 15----------------------------
Clomid 50mg / ED
Nolva 20mg / ED

Week 18--------
Blood work again.

Why only a 10 week cycle? and why are you starting pct 1 week after last test pin?
Why only a 10 week cycle? and why are you starting pct 1 week after last test pin?

Because it aligned with 4 weeks dbol and 6 weeks tren. Initial plan was 8 weeks but didn't wanna "crossover" dbol and tren.
I'm actually starting 3 days after last pin, probably just wrote it bit unclear.
I'll do last pin on sunday week 10 and start pct on wednesday week 11.
Also why i'm running bit higher doses of clomid and nolva for week 11 since its only first 4 days of pct. Been thinking of dropping nolva to 20mg for week 12.
Sounds reasonable ?

week 11----------------------------
Last pin on sunday wk 10.
Last HCG on sunday. wk10.
Wednesday start:
Clomid 100mg / ED
Nolva 40mg / ED
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For dialing in AI, i only need the fsh/estrogen panel right ?
No test ?
Because those are a 5th of the price for the full panel.
Could take those every other week if needed.
For dialing in AI, i only need the fsh/estrogen panel right ?
No test ?
Because those are a 5th of the price for the full panel.
Could take those every other week if needed.

dont you need your test levels too? when are you starting your cycle?