after winter bulk/ still bulking


New member
This is me after bulking all winter and ill continue my bulk until next spring...put on 10 pounds. I am 170 in these pics...up from 160. I am shooting for 180 in the spring
i know i always ask this...what are you, like five foot tall? fucking massive for 170lbs.
LOL, i am not 5 feet tall but close. I am 5 '6 5'7ish and as you can see my legs are not the greatest but i am working on it. 10 pounds on a shorter guy like me is like 20 on a taller man i feel like. Thanks for the comments
You look fucking diesel in that back pic! Very nice. You look much much bigger then 170. The legs are small but don't look bad.
My upper body is much bigger then my lower body. My quads are coming along but the calves are awful but i am trying and know they will get there
Awesome work Peanut I remember your back shot from last year and that was already impressive stuff!! When you cut your gonna look insane!
thanks lucky, I would love like 10 - 12 more pounds before i cut but it is summer and i am having some trouble keeping weight on right now but i am trying to stay with it and cut next spring.
Your legs aren't as bad as you think. By the looks of things you're doing all the right stuff. Are you still training natural?
up to this point no assitance from injectables or dbol but i have done tons of other stuff Including m1t, Halodrol 50, and tons of other weaker things that have sucked. I am looking to hit a cycle this winter to bulk of test and deca at does of 400 mg's a week for 12 weeks...need to figure out post cycle therapy (pct) and get everything together. I feel up to this point i have done well with my training and supplements. My diet could be better but i work weird hours so i eat when i can. At times caloric intake drops but i keep carbs real high and protien at my body weight for the day.
looking good broseph. whats your leg routine look like?

i know im stating the obvious/answer for everything but it looks like u need to squat more. i have the same problem with my calves they dont grow for shit.
i actually did legs yesterday and i did squats ...135 x20, 225 x 10, 275 x10 315 x 10 405 x 10 455 x 6.the lst set i wrapped my knees. i did walking lunges with dumbells for 3 sets. leg curls and extensions and finished with leg presses.
I'm telling you guys i can actually do that and i do go all the way down. I know my legs dont look like i can do that but that pic is also kind of bad. my legs are far more muscular then they look there. I do understand why your calling me out though. If you want i can make a video and you can see how my form is when i squat.