
LOL. This treatise was prepared to educate. I might be slightly preturbed if someone plagiarized it. However, the main purpose is to educate so increased circulation would only serve my purposes.

all those big words and you're missing my jokes.
Great post! Was going to run nolvadex throughout cycle, but after reading this, the new plan is arimidex on cycle and nolvadex post. And to think that I thought AI's and SERM's were the same. Hahaha Rep points to Mr. Humdiddly
You know Hum, I give you so much shit for your big words I actually never read this post. Looks pretty good.

Only thing I would add is to make sure everyone knows that there is no set dosing for any of those, these are only guidelines. AIs like Aromasin especially, which can be taken E3D with much effectiveness. AGain, this is just picking at a very informative article.

And I would also mention Arimidex, especially taken for extended periods, can have damaging efffects on your lipid profile. One reason I stopped taking it long ago.

Nice work fancy.
You know Hum, I give you so much shit for your big words I actually never read this post. Looks pretty good.

Only thing I would add is to make sure everyone knows that there is no set dosing for any of those, these are only guidelines. AIs like Aromasin especially, which can be taken E3D with much effectiveness. AGain, this is just picking at a very informative article.

And I would also mention Arimidex, especially taken for extended periods, can have damaging efffects on your lipid profile. One reason I stopped taking it long ago.

Nice work fancy.

Actually I am glad you raised this point RJ. These are absolutely dosage guidelines. Some people have high aromatase cyclic reproduction values and require higher doses. Some people have low aromatase cyclic reproduction and require less. With regards to exemestane usage I thought the same thing as you till I started reading the pfizer drug trials. Here is a quote form a post I made on another thread. I hope this helps.

Due to the "suicide" aromatase inhibition pertaining to exemestane misunderstandings regarding dosing have arisen. The pfizer drug trial relayed information that a 25mg dose of aromatase decreased estrogen for 3 days. However, the during that time frame estrogen was tapering back up. The cyclic life of aromatase reproduction increases during exogenous testosterone implementation. The half-life of exemestane is well documented at 9-12 hours. So daily dosing is required.

Some believe the daily use of aromatase will dip estrogen levels too low. The decreased lipid cell penetration levels of type 1 AI's such as exemestane ensure that not all aromatase can be permanently disabled.

Perhaps an analogy can help. Pretend you (exemestane) are a hitman in a drug house. However you only have the keys to certain doors in the house. Periodically new people (aromatase) spawn in the rooms. The first run you go through and kill everything and there is lots of killing. The second run through there are less people in the rooms you have access to so the people killed is less.

However the people in the locked rooms (dense lipid cells) go on making drugs (estrogen). The house's overall drug production is decreased but since you don't have the keys you can not completely halt the drug production.

Now lets apply that analogy to dosing. When you increase the dosing it is like increasing the number of hit-men and as a result more rooms in the house can be entered. Eventually with enough hit-men you could kill the entire population of the house and cease drug production.

I hope that explains why low dose usage (12.5md ED) is fine but, higher doses can cause issues.
Actually I am glad you raised this point RJ. These are absolutely dosage guidelines. Some people have high aromatase cyclic reproduction values and require higher doses. Some people have low aromatase cyclic reproduction and require less. With regards to exemestane usage I thought the same thing as you till I started reading the pfizer drug trials. Here is a quote form a post I made on another thread. I hope this helps.

i read that in the other thread. Have no doubt its accurate. I just state what has worked for me in the past.
i read that in the other thread. Have no doubt its accurate. I just state what has worked for me in the past.

That's what the game is all about finding your sweet spot. Noobs should use the doses posted as a benchmark and adjust up or down as they see fit.
That's what the game is all about finding your sweet spot. Noobs should use the doses posted as a benchmark and adjust up or down as they see fit.

okay so i'm gonna post the sign-up sheet for bumping this thread tomorrow. i want everyone sign up for at least one day, we're gonna start with just the rest of october, november, and up thru christmas. i realize the holidays are busy but that's a good time for you military folks that might have to work or something to hop on and do your part!

signing up for multiple days in any given week is allowed.

should we do an am bump and a pm bump? might be better huh. i'll mull it over.

i will handle every other friday starting this week.
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okay so i'm gonna post the sign-up sheet for bumping this thread tomorrow. i want everyone sign up for at least one day, we're gonna start with just the rest of october, november, and up thru christmas. i realize the holidays are busy but that's a good time for you military folks that might have to work or something to hop on and do your part!

signing up for multiple days in any given week is allowed.

should we do an am bump and a pm bump? might be better huh. i'll mull it over.

i will handle every other friday starting this week.

everyone just pm me your bump availability. i will then go through them and make up the schedule. gonna go with am and pm. we'll go USA pacific time 'cause i'm a californian at heart (i'll follow you anywhere arnold!! :P)

this way, if this thread isn't on top we'll know who to flame by just looking right back here.
are some people more prone to sides than others? Right now doing the same thing I always do in my offseason - 500mg/test a week and using adex at only .5mg E3D yet bloating seems to be under control and i've never had problems with gyno even when not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Only real issues I have is acne and of course testicular atrophy. I do keep my cardio on the higher end but light and drink about 2.5 gallons of water a day all the while watching the sodium intake.
are some people more prone to sides than others? Right now doing the same thing I always do in my offseason - 500mg/test a week and using adex at only .5mg E3D yet bloating seems to be under control and i've never had problems with gyno even when not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Only real issues I have is acne and of course testicular atrophy. I do keep my cardio on the higher end but light and drink about 2.5 gallons of water a day all the while watching the sodium intake.

Some people have higher aromatase cyclical reproduction then others. Mine is extremely high. Others such as RJ have extremely low. Best thing is to start at the dose recommended and if you feel estrogenic sides up the dose. If you feel lack of estrogen sides decrease dose.
Some people have higher aromatase cyclical reproduction then others. Mine is extremely high. Others such as RJ have extremely low. Best thing is to start at the dose recommended and if you feel estrogenic sides up the dose. If you feel lack of estrogen sides decrease dose.

great point. Also remember that certain sides can be remedied by natural methods without the need for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). For example water retention is typically a result of poor diet and lack of hydration. Also high BP can be combated thru natural means as well.

There are always options. Not always one answer fixes all things.
great point. Also remember that certain sides can be remedied by natural methods without the need for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). For example water retention is typically a result of poor diet and lack of hydration. Also high BP can be combated thru natural means as well.

There are always options. Not always one answer fixes all things.

That is irrefutable logic. My humble opinion is if your nutritional intake is imprecise implementation of gear is injudicious.