All Designer steroids banned -- AndroSeries shines through


New member
We knew this time was coming well in advanced and most are surprised these designer hormones made it this long.

AndroSeries products were made for bad times like this -- (well, not so bad as beginners have no business having access to harsh designers)

To provide a safe, effective and LEGAL means to make progress on your physique and performance enhancement goals.

We will attempt to lower pricing as best as we can --- and continue our efforts in innovating the safest and most effective products on the market.

AndroEnhance is the latest hormone and is gaining popularity fast,,, as people are stacking it with just about EVERYTHING, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), Injects, Methyls, other Andro of course....

We do not plan to go anywhere and continue to provide hormonal support to customers.

It was my understanding that the legislature had not been voted on yet...although i'm sure this will has to pass before coming law correct? Please correct me if I am wrong!
It was my understanding that the legislature had not been voted on yet...although i'm sure this will has to pass before coming law correct? Please correct me if I am wrong!

There is zero opposition to it. It would be a poor political move for any politician to not vote for it. Unfortunately laws governing these products function on emotion and not logic.
It was my understanding that the legislature had not been voted on yet...although i'm sure this will has to pass before coming law correct? Please correct me if I am wrong!

No this ship is sinking and truthfully the methylated compounds were getting quite dangerous as little goofballswere getting their hands on them from Ma and Pa supplement shops and using these powerful agents before even learning how to eat properly...

Now people can appreciate the AndroSeries line for everything that it represents --- legal and effective hormonal treatment.

No this ship is sinking and truthfully the methylated compounds were getting quite dangerous as little goofballswere getting their hands on them from Ma and Pa supplement shops and using these powerful agents before even learning how to eat properly...

Now people can appreciate the AndroSeries line for everything that it represents --- legal and effective hormonal treatment.

I had a pretty lengthy post about this on PP's board, and how I think this industry did it to itself. Think of something like SD, very strong and toxic. Which is fine in itself, run support, monitor health, you will probably be fine. But that wasn't enough, companies need to sell products that was SD with 2-3 other anabolic agents as well, and like you said, inevitably, there would a be a supp shop owner selling these to anyone with cash.
So what is recommended?

I recommend something that you can cycle safely and get results from.

That said -- things that are now being banned are fine if used with caution (like HTS mentioned)

But too many bone heads are lazy to understand the seriousness of these toxic compounds and do not do their homework.

AndroSeries hormones are going to be the safest, strongest, and purest hormones legally available.

If you go theblack market AAS route -- make sure to only use injectables.

I'm down for a price drop and increased amount per bottle...mass n bulk for $75
We are working on the pricing, hopefully we will have a change soon, until then myself and John can offer a discount
Yeah, I do hope we see this soon. I can assure you it won't be those two products for $75 though, that would certainly put this company under, lol.
Well this certainly is a good time to be in PP's shoes. A price drop would be awesome; it would definitely make the andro products more of an option (at least in my eyes).
Well this certainly is a good time to be in PP's shoes. A price drop would be awesome; it would definitely make the andro products more of an option (at least in my eyes).

Currently running a 30% off box-less sale on AndroMass if anyone is interested just shoot me or HTS a PM