Allergic To My Gear? Shit lol


New member
hey all so my first time running Test E and first time running Lightning Fast Anabolics,suddenly i have began to break out in what looks like a rash or bug bites.research shows that i may be allergic as this lab uses Coconut Oil as its carrier.Think i should either trade it or sell it as i dont hav much test left of other brand and need it for TRT.UGH.any advice?
Are you sure it's coconut oil? Coconut oil is a semi-solid triglyceride at room temperature, so unless they denatured it, I'm betting you're putting something else in your body.

You really should be using pharmacy test for TRT as you have a legitimate need. It can be just as affordable as UGL if you use online coupons at participating pharmacies like CVS. Don't get me wrong I've used UGL for my TRT, but I also do more than just TRT on occasion.

My .02c :)
it says BA and cocounut oil.

well we thought was bug bites but checked an no and even slept in other room and still got it.happened 3 days after first pin.then subsided for a bit and yesterday after 3rd pin came back a bit stronger.the rash that is

and i got my trt from an online pharma very expensive they wont send me script
it says BA and cocounut oil.

well we thought was bug bites but checked an no and even slept in other room and still got it.happened 3 days after first pin.then subsided for a bit and yesterday after 3rd pin came back a bit stronger.the rash that is

and i got my trt from an online pharma very expensive they wont send me script
I've seen tren with a USP and RX label, doesn't mean it is what the label claims. Doctors exist outside the internet too; maybe you should investgate that as an option.
I don't know about no coconut oil but I would try one more shot and ditch that shit if it makes you itch or whatever
could be all sorts of things...the oil, EO and not mentioned, simply not sterile. ditch that fast if it continues as they said above. if its causing issues, dont keep using it! there are lots of places to get quality products
could be all sorts of things...the oil, EO and not mentioned, simply not sterile. ditch that fast if it continues as they said above. if its causing issues, dont keep using it! there are lots of places to get quality products

thanks guys! i will try it one more looks like bug bites but gain we found no bugs.the source is highly regarded and i dont really know where to get affordable gear haha