Alright, this shits startin to stress me out

A 60ml is too big to apply enough pressure for max flow. You'll be pressing the plunger like your life depends on it. Choose a 20ml, much smaller surface area which mean more multiplied force from the same amount of plunger push.

Buy 2 filters, just in case.
Agreed, unless you want to have a plunger impression on your hand for a week get the 20ml.
Perfection Awaits said:
I am about to buy my supplies for the following conversions. Here is my little list thing of stuff i will need for each one. Please look at it closely to make sure i have it all right. It would suck to have to place another order for something like 1 filter.

Note: I will be buying 100ml of BA, BB, and a lot of Grapeseed oil from the Crocery store. I just need to make sure i have enough filters and syringes...

Conversion 1: 25g of Test E @ 300mg/ml
1 -.45 Syringe Filter
2 - 60cc Syringes

Use the first 60ml syringe to pump through 41ml of solution.
Put the same filter on another syringe of just 41ml of oil, filter through.

Will that work?
Well, in your example, you don't need any BB, but you already knew that.

What about the beaker and the strile vial?

I sure wish my 60mL syringes fit into the chalk gun better. Anyone know if they make longer chalk guns?

A vial crimper would be so nice. oh well.
Ya i know i dont need BB for the test, but once i figure out this conversion i will understand all the others. If i get a couple 20ml syringes, i can keep using the same filter correct? Can i also keep using the same syringe? The hardest part of all of this is buying stuff and not wasting supplies.
I'm going to get a few beakers. 50ml up to 500ml.

I guess a better question would be. pretend u have no supplies at all, and 25g of test. WHat supplies would u buy, just for that conversion only.
2 filters, some BA and grape seed oil, a few 20cc syringes, appropriate sealed sterile vials, 22g needles, 25g needles (vent). Thats it. Heat the brew if necessary in a pot on the stove, Suck it out with the syringe, attach to the filter in the vial and push. Its gets sloppy but so what.