Alternatives to winstrol for cutting


New member
I want to cut but do not want to use Winny. I do not want my joints to be dried out. I already have a bit of tendonitis. What else can I use to maintain my muscle mass while dieting to lose fat? I was considering test because I am not worried about bloat. This is going to be my 3rd cycle.
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Honestly, just going with a cut that's not too drastic in a calorie reduction should be pretty muscle sparing. Unless this is for a competition, I personally don't think AAS is really needed. Another exception being if you're planning on running T3 and clen/albuterol; then definitely test at a mild (250-300mg/wk) dose would be needed.

TDEE - 500 would be where I would start.
Primo, anavar, masteron,eq any of those with a trt dosage of testosterone would work. I would personally use primo if i could find legit pharmacy grade stuff.
Drugs are awesome, BUT cutting is diet. Drugs will help you maintain muscle while in a caloric deficit though. Those mentioned above... Var, mast, primo, tren
Well of course you'd run test because test is the base of every cycle...are you saying you would run another compound without test?