Always tired


New member
Hey guys I have a question :

Im always tired (2 -3 years straight) and the doctor couldnt help me with it, he says it difficult to know the cause of it.
I had my testosterone tested first time it was 12.3 Mnol en the second time (1 year later) 14.2 normal ranges are between 10-35.
Im young 21 and exercise, eat health, dont smoke or drink alcohol but i feel like im 50 years old. I recover hard from training sessions but I dont know if it is because of my testosterone levels, my doctor said it was ''ok'' and almost 0 doctors in the Netherlands know about hormone replacement therapy to help me if i have low T. (have gyno to) and didnt cycle ever.

thanks friends!
Im on HRT and your right most Doctors don't understand hormone replacement. when I started the doc gave me 1/4 cc and the female nurse told him that was ridiculous ! he raised it to 1cc per week but now I am at 1.5 cc per week and thats about right for me. Thats about 150mg test. per week in two injection per week to keep test levels balanced. This is something that is outside the body building arena and but you my consider doing . Watch the Documentary Forks over knives 2011 this has helped me achieve some balance and regain energy. I have been on this lifestyle for about a year and now I am ready to bulk up and train a bit more, I not going crazy like some of the other meat heads but a little more mass would be nice.
I hope this helps
Hey guys I have a question :

Im always tired (2 -3 years straight) and the doctor couldnt help me with it, he says it difficult to know the cause of it.
I had my testosterone tested first time it was 12.3 Mnol en the second time (1 year later) 14.2 normal ranges are between 10-35.
Im young 21 and exercise, eat health, dont smoke or drink alcohol but i feel like im 50 years old. I recover hard from training sessions but I dont know if it is because of my testosterone levels, my doctor said it was ''ok'' and almost 0 doctors in the Netherlands know about hormone replacement therapy to help me if i have low T. (have gyno to) and didnt cycle ever.

thanks friends!
at ur age it may be hard to find a doctor to prescribe testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). order some clomid might be a good idea would, would bring ur test up alot.
at ur age it may be hard to find a doctor to prescribe testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). order some clomid might be a good idea would, would bring ur test up alot.

I had the same also 21..I have been lifting since u was 14 .now I am about to 22 am always tired.I just start my first cycle. Of test p n EQ..DUDE I FEEL GREAT..GOOD LUCK BRO
yes you should Watch the Documentary Forks over knives 2011 this has helped in achieve some balance and regain energy.
This may not have anything to do with testosterone. You should have your thyroid profile checked. ALWAYS keep in mind that the interests and concerns that brought every single one of us to 'ology' are special because endocrinology is a highly, HIGHLY specialized area. There are many physicians out there who don't know jackshit about hormones and steroids. And there are some endocrinologists out there who know a lot less about anabolics than even you do. I know this for a fact because I've networked with many, many of these guys. And when I try to talk to some of them about certain topics they look at me like I'm crazy. They'll tell you that you're ok if your serum testosterone level is within parameters. But "within parameters" may mean just enough to get an erection to fuck a girl semi-hard for a few minutes. What man is ever going to be satisfied with that?

It is a very rare thing to find a soul who understands the chemistry and has the passion for this. Next year I plan to open up a low cost anti-aging/HRT business also with an online presence for dudes who are into fitness and weight training. There is just so much research that still needs to be done and so much freaking potential.

With the exception of the neurologic system, the endocrine system is one of the most complex and misunderstood body systems. You have to be really lucky to find a practitioner who understands all this and what you're trying to do and who will actually respect you, listen to you, and help you.
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BIGDADDY <> I'm no Doc, but if you're naturally experiencing gynocomastia, i would think it's quite clear there is a hormonal imbalance. Your Doc should refer you to a specialist, an endocrinologist, as this seems out of his scope of practice.

I am on TRT for 20 weeks, and as I'm still experiencing lethargy, my Doc is suggesting we start running some adrenal panels... FYI.