am i contest worthy?

i've only used stuff for bulking, such as Sustanon, Enanthate, D-bol, Deca. I have used T3, however, which of course is totally different. I put a lot of emphasis on my diet rather thatn roids and training. I've always believed it was 80% diet, 30% everything else. 110% all together.
in the pics above, I've been without gear for like 4 or so months FYI.
nateman06 said:
in the pics above, I've been without gear for like 4 or so months FYI.

looking good bro BUT, your chest needs some more mass.
but as you said those pics are not recent so it is possible you`ve put on some nice mass.
do you have any recent pics? did you improve your chest since those pics?

cheers bro
I don't know, I thought his chest looked okay for his weight. I thought his legs could use a little more mass though. Anyone have any pics of other guys at that weight and height range for comparison?
Anyone else care to comment??? Please refer to the first post. Thanks
what kind of contest are you entering.
And You lack size in the biceps, and legs. Chest could use more work. I suggest You bulk up some more so you can have a bigger size next time you cut down. I would not enter A contest IF I was in your shape and size. You are very young and You have tremendous time to build. Make use of it.
You look really built considering your age. Is the mature muscle there? NO. But when you get to 21 you will be jacked. You look leaner than 12%. I know you can't change your height...but let me tell you 5'4 is not a desirable height. I believe priest is taller. Girls don't find 5'4 attractive and the bigger you get the harder it is to look aesthetic/athletic...which is what you want to achieve. You don't have as much area to carry all the huge bulk that you want without looking bulky...whereas a taller guy can carry it better. Also, a guy at 5'9 175 can look very good and not skinny like you say. Do you think MATT HUGHES and FRANK TRIGG look skinny?? They all weigh 170 and are 5'8-5'9. I would definitely hit the chest harder so your arms and shoulders don't dwarf it. If you do decide to compete...GOOD LUCK!
Do I really look learner than 12%? Im just asking, because I never really had it measured. I just kinda winged it based on the past. I appreciate all the comments. One thing I do know is that legs are something that take tame. My legs are small, but that is common among young bodybuilders. Legs don't fully develope as fast as the rest of the body. I hit my legs extremely hard, so I really don't know what else to do about them. My biceps were also a concern while evaluating my situation. The density on them is unreal, but like many said, they lack size. I am still figuring out how to fix that as well. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Im just curious, but will my age be taken into account when in a show? Will I be put into a class with people equal of age, weight, or what? Thanks for all the help.
Aesthetic said:
You look really built considering your age. Is the mature muscle there? NO. But when you get to 21 you will be jacked. You look leaner than 12%.

I think that sums it up perfectly. You look awesome for 19, great start! Your symmetry is descent and you got lean mass. I honestly wish I looked that good at 19.

But unless you can enter a contest for teens I think you will be dissapointed. If you want to enter a contest for adults I would give it a couple more years until you got about 20lbs more mass.
One piece of advice I tell everyone is get your feet wet. Train as hard as you can and get on stage. If you do not meet your expectatons just remember you are on stage and that is an accomplishment in itself. If you have any questions feel free to email me.
Yeah, like the others said, you've got a great base to start with. If you stick with it, you will have a very impressive build when you are in your 20s.
Definitly a solid base. I would say go for a contest, you need to learn the basics with contest dieting, prep etc. and it's better to get started sooner then later.
awesome base laid down the blueprints now its time to build...good luck