Am I just that lucky! Cycling Responsibly


New member
Has anybody been forced to go on trt that cycled some what responsibly?

If so what type of cycles did you run to cause that and what doses?

Only asking because I see a lot of guys on here making it seem like if you start young you are basically fucked.

I do believe you should wait until you are 25 to start and have reached your genetic potential.

I started at 21 and never had any libido issues besides when I ran a test tren cycle with no dostinex.

I now have 3 cycles under my belt and have learned a lot.

My last cycle I ran perfect with an Hcg and the proper pct.

I am now 27 and am 6ft 1 225 at 12% body fat.

I have given myself a year break in between every cycle.

I feel like when I am off roids my genetics and sex drive is better than it was before I ever started doing sauce.

Ever since doing a cycle my sex drive has been through the roof even when I am on nothing and I feel like my body packs on muscle better.

Now am I just that lucky or has anybody else had this affect?

To be honest the only people I know that actually did permanent damage from roids were the ones that got greedy and went on for way to long with out a break. Also the ones that ran way to high of doses.

So my question is can you juice with out trt until you are around 40 if you take long breaks and don't run crazy cycles?
Many guys have. The forum is littered with threads by guys who had too go on TRT after cycling "responsibly".

Read the link below in my signature. It has a section on cycling too you and a contains a medical study on the possible effects.
Many guys have. The forum is littered with threads by guys who had too go on TRT after cycling "responsibly".

Read the link below in my signature. It has a section on cycling too you and a contains a medical study on the possible effects.
Really good read there!
Every time you cycle, you roll the dice.

Every. Single. Time.

Some guys have a very robust endocrine system and it doesn't catch up to them until many cycles in, some get the bad news after their first.

It's a risk ANYONE and EVERYONE takes when they put hormones in their bodies. The problem with young guys is not only do they think they're invincible, but they also have the most to lose.

If you're going to gamble, just be aware of, and accept the potential consequences. It is a very likely outcome to be on TRT for folks that live this lifestyle, make no mistake about it. ;)

(FWIW, I had to go on TRT without ever touching AAS. :p)
Every time you cycle, you roll the dice.

Every. Single. Time.

Some guys have a very robust endocrine system and it doesn't catch up to them until many cycles in, some get the bad news after their first.

It's a risk ANYONE and EVERYONE takes when they put hormones in their bodies. The problem with young guys is not only do they think they're invincible, but they also have the most to lose.

If you're going to gamble, just be aware of, and accept the potential consequences. It is a very likely outcome to be on TRT for folks that live this lifestyle, make no mistake about it. ;)

(FWIW, I had to go on TRT without ever touching AAS. :p)

Good point there Half! The problem with young kids is indeed that and also that they are young to boot and aint got no business messing around with substances that are meant for a mature fully developed body. When I was 21 all i was interested in was scraping enough money to go to the club at night and pick up some ladies. Now its a whole different story.
I apreciate the info guys. I still think it is over exaggerated. I grew up playing sports and I have a ton of friends that have ran gear. I don't know one that technically fucked themselves up that didn't go to crazy. I even have a buddy who ran 3 cycles of test e at 500 mgs and never even post cycled. He hasn't touched anything in years and still lifts and is pretty big. Never had an issue. The only ones I know who paid the price were the ones running 2 cycles a year or just never coming off and running gear at 1000 mgs . Also some that were dumb enough to run dbol only cycles. Honestly how could this be if trt is that common?
Well then my good man I guess you ARE that lucky to have both the robust endocrine system and good fortune to have dodged the trt bullet.

And I was that dumb young buck who ran a cycle from 1986-1990 from 400-1400 mg a week all for some plastic trophies, state records ( all gone) and now a life time of trt. BUT it felt good smashing mf ers in show s and meets and what not. If I could do it over would I ? I d do it responsibly but I quess your just more mature than I was at 25 and that s good my man !!!

Really it sarcasm intended.

Glad ur good to go.

...don t rub it
Lol my bad if it sounded that way. I'm just used to seeing a lot of threads that seem negative or make it seem like if you do a cycle you are fucked. I understand where you are coming from with your cycle history. you competed so that's basically what you had to do. I plan on being on trt but hopefully it won't be for awhile. It's probably a good thing I don't compete because I'm super competitive. I would be running shit like crazy. I would not say I am more mature. I would just say I had different goals. Plus I have done some stupid shit in my lifetime.
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I apreciate the info guys. I still think it is over exaggerated. I grew up playing sports and I have a ton of friends that have ran gear. I don't know one that technically fucked themselves up that didn't go to crazy. I even have a buddy who ran 3 cycles of test e at 500 mgs and never even post cycled. He hasn't touched anything in years and still lifts and is pretty big. Never had an issue. The only ones I know who paid the price were the ones running 2 cycles a year or just never coming off and running gear at 1000 mgs . Also some that were dumb enough to run dbol only cycles. Honestly how could this be if trt is that common?

What did your friend's baseline total testosterone come in at before any cycles and what is it coming in at now?
The point is to stress the possible negatives of cycling irresponsibly. We are gonna put it all on the table when someone comes here asking about first cycle. At the very least it's ones health that is being gambled with by running a cycle. So to do it "correctly" is the only way to guide someone. The goal is that someone won't have to go the TRT route after a cycle. It seems like your doing pretty good with long breaks in between plus pct. Keep that your plan of attack and your odds will be better than the guy that just "wings"it.
i don't know if he ever had them checked. I have never had mine checked either. My sex drive has always been crazy high, my energy is great and I put on size pretty quick. I was always afraid it could get me in trouble with sports so I never got it looked at. Now that I am no longer an athlete I will get them checked before my next cycle and then after. I will post them so you guys can let me know what you think.
At 25 I m sure EVERYONES sex drive is high men women..those other...things we have to support or be branded haters.

We re here to help and honestly it s refreshing to see a young dude cycle a piccie...@ at 61 , 225 and 12 pts ur a good influence on other young uns.
I would post a pic but I have a bunch of tatts and I'm not really trying to have that out there. Mabye I will pm you some pics after my summer cut if that is possible.
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i don't know if he ever had them checked. I have never had mine checked either. My sex drive has always been crazy high, my energy is great and I put on size pretty quick. I was always afraid it could get me in trouble with sports so I never got it looked at. Now that I am no longer an athlete I will get them checked before my next cycle and then after. I will post them so you guys can let me know what you think.

So how can you claim your friends were unaffected when you have no empirical evidence?
Just going to say this, of the nine or so guys I knew back in the 90's that cycled young all BUT ONE are on TRT. This was before real PCT, usage of AI's, and there wasn't any blood work, unless you talked to your doctor.

It's way too early at 27 to claim victory by the way, you still (hopefully) have another 50-70 years on this planet. Were you lucky? Sure, for now.

The risks are very real, if you still think that we overinflate them, I invite you to pour through the thousands of threads in the TRT forum, where new folks sign up to ask how to fix their bodies, often after a single cycle.

Telling folks that it's risk free is not only disingenuous, it's also misleading. I have zero issues with folks using AAS, in fact, I like to encourage its safe use - but I won't sugar coat the reality that the vast majority do eventually end up on the needle for life.

If people can accept that risk, more power to them. ;)