Am I over thinking it for the first cycle?

So my rats need 12.5mg of AI. I have Liquid Stane, how many ML should they take? I know you cant convert it perfect since its liquid.

not sure what you mean by that....liquid is the easiest way to get an accurate dose. how many mg/mL is the solution?
Liquid Stane is dosed at 25mg/ml so 1ml is 25mg of stane. That means to get 12.5mg then that would be 1/2ml or .5ml.
Second injection done, very easy once again. Only thing was when I pulled the plunger up to check for any blood just a couple air bubbles came up all normal. Then once I started to inject about half way through I could see some blood going in. So I stopped, pulled out, wiped with another alcohol pad, put a new needle on, and injected again to finish the dose.
Second injection done, very easy once again. Only thing was when I pulled the plunger up to check for any blood just a couple air bubbles came up all normal. Then once I started to inject about half way through I could see some blood going in. So I stopped, pulled out, wiped with another alcohol pad, put a new needle on, and injected again to finish the dose.

I never aspirate. I follow the CDC's guidance againstn aspiration on IM injections.
I have never "drew blood" when injection in the glut. Its not like registering for a heroin fix where the vein NEEDS to be found. there are not enough veins there to have it be a high probability anyways. Even at the doctors they don't draw the plunger back to check. I would just inject slowly like they do at the docs and if it hurts pull it out and start over!
I did Google it and am not finding info.I ended up on a link about school vaccine. Was not a trust thing you should know that after the 50 pm's I have sent lol Just wanted some info on it.

Little soar again but no PIP issues. Dont think I feel anything test wise yet obviously. Maybe mentally when working out. I will say having sex last night I was like the Energizer Bunny.

BTW Liquid Stane taste like crap!
Question. Since the test takes about 4 weeks to kick in any problem running it 16weeks instead?

eh....12 weeks is plenty for first cycle. the longer you're on...the harder recovery is. Why don't you keep it at 12 weeks for the first cycle and see how well you recover before you look into longer cycles.

PLUS you get an extra 2 weeks after you stop pinning where there is still a good amount of test in your system, so you're still "ON" for another twoish weeks after you stop pinning.