am i to young for Anabolic steroids?

Man, it is awesome that you are into bodybuilding and are interested in improving your physique, but you are way too young, and way too inexperienced to think about steroids. Be well aware that steroids can, and at your age, likely will, ruin you. I am talking lifelong consequences. There is almost nothing to gain by taking them in your situation.

The best thing you can do for the next 5 years is learn to train and eat properly. Read everything you can get your hands on. Ask questions. Soak up everything you can from vets at a local gym. Go to the diet forum and find out what a real bodybuilding diet looks like. If you are serious about bodybuilding, eat like a bodybuilder. Period. There is no drug or exercise that will make up for a poor diet. Consistency in diet and training will bring results.

Want to be a bodybuilder? You can give yourself a great head start by committing to a good diet and training regimen for the next few years. Good luck man.
Man, it is awesome that you are into bodybuilding and are interested in improving your physique, but you are way too young, and way too inexperienced to think about steroids. Be well aware that steroids can, and at your age, likely will, ruin you. I am talking lifelong consequences. There is almost nothing to gain by taking them in your situation.

The best thing you can do for the next 5 years is learn to train and eat properly. Read everything you can get your hands on. Ask questions. Soak up everything you can from vets at a local gym. Go to the diet forum and find out what a real bodybuilding diet looks like. If you are serious about bodybuilding, eat like a bodybuilder. Period. There is no drug or exercise that will make up for a poor diet. Consistency in diet and training will bring results.

Want to be a bodybuilder? You can give yourself a great head start by committing to a good diet and training regimen for the next few years. Good luck man.
Best reply in the the thread.
not only was he too young for gear but he was also too young to be on this forum...

he can come back when he's 18
Man, it is awesome that you are into bodybuilding and are interested in improving your physique, but you are way too young, and way too inexperienced to think about steroids. Be well aware that steroids can, and at your age, likely will, ruin you. I am talking lifelong consequences. There is almost nothing to gain by taking them in your situation.

The best thing you can do for the next 5 years is learn to train and eat properly. Read everything you can get your hands on. Ask questions. Soak up everything you can from vets at a local gym. Go to the diet forum and find out what a real bodybuilding diet looks like. If you are serious about bodybuilding, eat like a bodybuilder. Period. There is no drug or exercise that will make up for a poor diet. Consistency in diet and training will bring results.

Want to be a bodybuilder? You can give yourself a great head start by committing to a good diet and training regimen for the next few years. Good luck man.

I agree this is the best post on this thread. You guys should try to talk some sense into the kid nicely, yelling at him is not gonna make him listen.

Okay Beaste, here is the thing. Riods are gonna mess you up bad at this age. Your doctor is not right about you only being 5'11". At almost 200 lbs and 5'11" at age 16 you are going to be a fucking beast for real when you are 25. Then is the time to decide if you want to take roids.

Your gonna be like 6'4" and 240 lbs if you continue to work naturally. Don't worry about what other people are using. You are your own man, so make smart choices and take care of yourself.
Dude, please for your sake dont start this stuff now. Man, i would have killed to be your size back in high school. Pay your dues bro. Be patient and educated yourself as much as possible.

**Knowledge is Power**