Anabolic steroids and hairloss


New member
Dunno who wrote this but its good basic info

Anabolic steroid hairloss​

When it comes to hairloss not everybody is effected by it. Steroids will only speed up the process if you are genetically predispositiond to male pattern baldness. So if any family members are bald you have a good chance of loosing your hair to. You could always shave your head or buy a wig but we have some good information for you to try and help prevent hairloss, slow it down and in some cases even reverse it.

Hairloss is NOT a side effect that will effect everybody, it is said that if you are genetically prone to male pattern baldness (mpb) then steroids can speed up this process.

How do steroids effect the hair line?

A substance called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) binds to the receptors in the scalps hair follicles causing thinning of the hairline.

What makes this DHT?

The simple answer Testosterone gets converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) by an enzyme called 5 Alpha reductase (5AR).

TESTOSTERONE ----(5AR Enzyme)---------> DHT

What steroids effect the hairline then via this conversion?

Not all steroids effect the hairline only the derivities of testosterone effect such as testosterone enth, cyp, prop, sustanon, dianabol etc..

Do any other steroids effect the hairline?

Yes. Steroids such as anadrol and winstrol are derivities of DHT meaning they do not have to convert via an enzyme to turn into DHT they can bind directly to the scalp.

How do i stop this hairloss?

You can help block the 5AR enzyme from converting test into DHT by using a medication called FINASTERIDE (proscar, propecia). Finasteride binds to the 5AR enzyme preventing conversion.

Does DECA turn into DHT?

Answer no it turns into DHN (dihydronandrolone.)

Will FINASTERIDE work with winstrol and other DHT derivatives?

No as there is no conversion via an enzyme. To help prevent hairloss DHT will need to be blocked at the scalp. NIZORAL shampoo is said to help with this although its sold as an anti dandruff shampoo

Where can i get FINASTERIDE?

Either from your doctor or from here

How much FINASTERIDE do i need to take?

For the normal person 1mg a day is enough to slow natural hairloss down, obviously the more testosterone you take the more DHT will be formed. Anything up to 500mg a week of test 2mg should be fine then add 1mg after for every 250mg of test.

If you are worried at all about hairloss and have decided to use finasteride then i recommend start taking it 2 weeks minimum before cycle so it can kick in, and take it throughout your post cycle therapy (pct) regime.

If using it to try and stop / reverse hairloss then you need to take this long term which can be expensive. Why not benifit from 10% off discounted finasteride.

I have heard about regaine what is this?

Regaine contains Minoxidil, the only over-the-counter treatment apparently clinically proven to help prevent further hereditary hair loss, showing success in 4 out of 5 men. For some people, using Regaine even reverses the process, resulting in regrowth.

Basically its a lotion that you can apply to your scalp to help stimulate hair growth.

Should i use regaine in my cycle?
Regaine is not a medication so my appeal to some but in my opinion when using steroids the products that target DHT are the best regaine can be used aswell for extra hairloss prevention and for potential regrowth after the cycle has been completed.

The hairloss prevention / regrowth cycle

Nizoral shampoo - Use every other day
Finasteride 1mg everyday (depending on test dose)
Regaine used twice daily throughout the cycle and continue after

the above is the ultimate cycle, if your worried about hairloss then dont use steroids the next best thing would be to use finasteride and nizoral throughout your cycle
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Anavar is really mild and shouldn't cause problems with hair loss. I find shedding to happen more so the longer i stay on. I limit my cycles to 8-10 weeks now, quick in and out.
pretty good thread, getting down to the basics. A major point is if your worried about losing your hair DONT touch steroids.
EQ and Anavar, and Primobolan and Anavar

If I was to do a EQ and Anavar 12-14 week cycle and then a month or so later do a 12-14 week Primobolan and Anavar cycle and have no predisposition to Male Pattern Baldness, and am currently 26 with a very good hairline, would you say just the Nizoral shampoo with rogaine would be enough?

I wanted to know should we use special shampoo like NIZORAL etc...? to protect our hair? or if your not prone to be bald you don't need it?
If you are running any test at all and are concerned about your hairline,use finasteride while on cycle.I do and it keeps my hair from falling out even when I bumped test up to a gram.It actually thickened my hair out when i first started.You will need finasteride during your cycle to help prevent hair loss,I use 1mg ed during my cycles.If you do and you still notice thinning, bump up to 2mg.
If you are running any test at all and are concerned about your hairline,use finasteride while on cycle.I do and it keeps my hair from falling out even when I bumped test up to a gram.It actually thickened my hair out when i first started.You will need finasteride during your cycle to help prevent hair loss,I use 1mg ed during my cycles.If you do and you still notice thinning, bump up to 2mg.

I started taking propecia (1mg ed) 4 weeks before the start of my test cycle. I planned on taking it all the way thru till my pct. Interestingly this article says to continue taking it thruout your pct. The reason I was going to stop once my pct starts is because I figured that thats when your estrogen levels are higher and why add a drug that just helps bolster your estrogen when you are trying to control it. But maybe since your taking anti-estrogen drugs during your pct it doesnt matter??
could you just take one 5mg of finasteride pill a week?

I wouldn't take anywhere near that much finasteride.

Too much will kill all your DHT. DHT is a by-product of testosterone, and if you kill it, you will have much less success on your cycle. I am very predisposed to MPB (I started balding at 18). I have cycled w/o noticeable hairloss. In fact, my hair is actually thicker than it was last year. Here is what I did while on cycle :

Rogaine 2x a day
Finasteride .5 mg/ED
Nizoral 2% 1x/week
Sprionolactone 1x/day

I probably won't use Spironolactone again, because I didn't notice much from it. But the other 3 worked. I started it about 2 months before my cycle, and continued for 6 weeks after. Now (4 months post-cycle), I only use rogaine and Nizoral, and continue to see thicker hair. Hope this helps.
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the day i start losing my hair is the day im going Mr. Clean up in this bitch hahaha. but def keeping the burly chin strap for sure!!!!
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Does regaine actually work?

My hair has receding and it's slightly thinner than it has been on the top of the scalp, the sides are fine.

I saw a 6 months supply of Regaine extra srength foam for £100 - I didn't know whether to give it a shot or just accept it?

I plan on doing a lot more cycles and I just think is it really worth all the money on hair loss products?

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to have my thick hair back, but I'd rather be a fucking moster as well so it's swings and roundabouts! :)
what about products like need2shampoo? Would be better just to use it rather than fina since it's topical?