bayoumike said:
Chemo, that is a lie.....I asked you to provide me with links to the complaints bc from my end I had not heard of anything so how can I resolve a problem that has not been given to me to begin with. What I was stating in the post on anabolicminds as to the problems needing to be dealt with is simply to try to get a response from those members that have issues. I have yet to receive a list of members with complaints from chemo but he surely is quick to call someone a thief. I go out of my way to help all my customers. And Chemo since you have all the connections in china...why not have them send you a couple of kilos and see how far it gets past customs. After all this and being called a thief on your part...I do not want to have anything to do with your board. I want my banner off your site. I don't want anything to do with your freebie members and MIA complaints of non-delivered goods. I will take care of any and all of my customers who come to me with a concern but as far as dealing with you, I never asked to advertise on your contacted me and for what reason. You didn't want money then what did you want? I have strong, well-respected boards backing me and I NEVER have a complaint. I never even heard of your board before you contacted me and I thought I would give it a never hurts to make new friends in this biz. Obviously you cannot be a friend. I want you to go to any other "big" boards including this one and find complaints about my customer service.
You did not once email me requesting ANY member info...except this last one which I will gladly post for you. I notice that the time sent was after the time for this post....hhhhhmmmm...I wonder if that was planned?
Called you a thief? Nope...those were your words. Once again, I will gladly post the email as you obviously have no aversion to it. Your putting a spin on this and I will have to un-spin it since the statements are derogatory.
Why don't I import powders from China and try to get them past customs? Bro, I import powders from China EVERY MONTH for my business...only a small glitch a few months ago with customs. Remember, I have a business that is dependent on my regular imports from my China base.
My freebie members? WTF is wrong with you?? YOU'RE THE ONE OFFERING THEM FREEBIES FOR BAD SERVICE!!! I never asked you to give them free product or double their order...that was YOUR decision in recognition of shitty service. Check the threads...they don't even want your freebies and MERELY REQUEST THEIR ORIGINAL ORDER BE SHIPPED. I'll be sure to pass the message to them for you though...
Why did I come to you and give you free banner space? Because I want my members to have the best tools at their disposal. Once again, I am looking out for my members. It is a service I do for them and you to ensure the right sellers are in touch with the right buyers.
Go to a "big" board? I don't know if you aware but this board we're posting on is not much larger than AM.
You started this thread and we came to an understanding that it would go as far as YOU WANTED IT TO. You posted this and now your trying to find a way out of it...don't draw Steroidology into this shitball over your fight. We were exchanging heated emails earlier and YOU chose to take it to the open forum...NOT ME. I'm only here defending myself.
...and I never wanted to be your friend. Go back to our first email of the day and review it. All I asked was for you to answer those damn emails...