Anadrol 50 Help [Please Read]

Dude just hit this up

Testosterone ethanate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday ) for 12 weeks
Exemestane 12.5mg everyday 15 weeks
Hcg 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection) 12 weeks
Hcg 1000iu everyday for the last 10 days of your cycle leading up to your pct

He is 21. He should not be using AAS yet.
Of AAS? Want to expand on that and who these billions of people are?

I have ran more then a couple oral only cycles. They only reason that makes any sense at all as to why not to run an oral only cycle is the lack of test in the cycle. However I have run many just fine without the test and recovered just fine. So has everyone else who has used a legal designer steroid cycle too ( and did it right) of which there is tons of people...

However if Test is a must one can still do it without the needle. Some people have a phobia of needles and no matter how much you call them a pussy it will never get them to use one..I myself have a son who will literally break down into tears even at the age of 15 if you even show him a needle. We owe it to people like this to think outside the box.

1. Andriol.... Although Hard to get a perfectly safe and acceptable form of oral test.
2. Transdermal test can also be used
3. Mythel test not so safe but still test and if used correctly can be safer
4. Transdermal DHEA and Testosterone precursers.

I am not saying its perfect or Ideal. I am just saying it can be done. There really is people deathly afraid of needles man, Not just being pussies about it but a legitimate uncontrollable out of their control phobia.lets not slam the door on them.

Yes I 100% Agree adding injectable test is the Ideal cycle with most favorable conditions.
Okay bro, so to get the ball rolling you choose one of the most liver toxic AAS there is? First time cycle is 500mg of test e or cyp ew along with Hcg an AI and a good pct. Read up bro.

You can safely do oral cycles my friend billions of people have. More research is needed though.

Bro, why would you even encourage this? If ur just talking about pro hormones or something not AAS, you should make the distinction clear. Encouraging oral only cycles is just wreckless.
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prohormones are no better either. they shut you down, they're toxic, the gains are lame, and the gains are hardly keepable. theres no difference from an oral designer steroid and a prohormone. they both suck as a standalone.

to the OP if you're still there, wait till you're 25 like everyone said, in the mean time research as much as you can because there is a lot to learn.