anadrol, dbol, stanazol liver toxic difference?


New member
I was wondering running some orals... and i wonder what is most toxic mg vs mg of these steroids: drol, dbol winstrol oral.

Is 100mg Anadrol ed same toxic level as running 50mg dbol and 50mg Winstrol daily?

Is it good to stack Winstrol (winny) and dbol/anadrol? u get off all the water from the dbol/anadrol and gain more with that stack or?
the more mg you are taking of substance , the more of it is in your system so the more toxic it will be , 100mg of adrol will be more toxic than 50mg dbol , as 100mg dbol will be more toxic than 50 adrol , its never a wise idea to stack orals , imo they should just be used to kickstart cycles like test while u wait for it to kick in or end a cycle like cutting by flushing water to create a harder appearance .
It usually occurs only in people who use higher doses of oral steroids or who use such steroids for extended periods of time. Certain oral steroids are reputed to have more potent toxic effect in the liver and to promote the liver swelling that can lead to cholestasis. They include oxymetholone (Anadrol-50) and fluoxymesterone (Halotestin), although it may be that those drugs cause problems because theyâ***8364;***8482;re often used in higher doses than other oral steroids. Both drugs are 17-alpha ankylated, as are most oral steroids.
Ok:) ive done 6 weeks of anadrol 100mg ed before without having problems with liver.. checked at docter..

Does that mean i can run winstrol oral 50mg ed and dbol 50mg ed without having liver problems then?? since its total 100mg's
im guessing they are going to be roughly the same , but its not recommended u run any oral for longer than 6 weeks , and running 2 different orals as well , consider by eliminating one of them u can only be doing yourself better , suggestion if you are going to run winstrol in the beggining of a test cycle , winstrol flushes water and is kind of pintless in the beginning of a cycle imo , maybe reconsider if u realy want to use it too , and dbol wouldnt make sense either but in the beginning of a cycle just to kickstart it while waiting for test to kick in , DONT run oral without test as a base
if u are considering using these as a cycle alone without test , its not a good idea at all , running orals shutdown your natural test production still , leaving u with no test in your body which will make u feel horrible and give u sides . this is why when u use oral sterids u take test with them , they will shut u down alone and before your natural test kicks back in you probably lose most of the gains u have made due to having low test , also u need a pct if u didnt research this
yeah i got nolva on hand... but 50mg dbol and 50mg winstrol will be less toxic then anadrol 100mg ed anyways so why not?:p and i dont want the bloat so i though likely just do winstrol for extra effect + removes water.. ;) ?
yeah i got nolva on hand... but 50mg dbol and 50mg winstrol will be less toxic then anadrol 100mg ed anyways so why not?:p and i dont want the bloat so i though likely just do winstrol for extra effect + removes water.. ;) ?

do NOT run that cycle . if you cant put your big boy panties on and inject then quit this hobby before you screw your health up.
i was going to do a oral only for my first cycle (dbol)but like anything i did ALOT of reasearch and after talking to ppl on this forum and reading for hours on end I quickly changed my mind and started a test e only cycle. ive done 3 injections so far with no problems other than alittle soreness from having virgin muslce. injecting was a little scary at first ill admit but after doing it a few times its not bad at all. im no expert bro but your pounding the hell out of your liver doing orals and if your liver is damaged thats no joke. ive read you can take milkthistle or liv52 for a liver protectant but i dont belive thats enough to do much imo. good luck bro.
ive taken injections many times before and prefer injection too.. but i cant do injection at this time cus im living home at the moment.. so i just ask for a good oral stak this once.
Anadrol is the most toxic oral bar none...oral only cycles are dangerous and foolish..there are no good oral only cycles
ive taken injections many times before and prefer injection too.. but i cant do injection at this time cus im living home at the moment.. so i just ask for a good oral stak this once.

Whats the difference???

Use 4-AD from advance muscle science. Or SARMS, or that stuff from primidal performance.
I live at home and pin eod. just close the door and lock it for 2 minutes... with an oral only cycle your gonna screw up your liver, shut down your body, and lose most of your gains anyways. also imo running dbol and winni together is pointless. here is what you sould do...

week 1-4: dbol 50 mg ED
week 1-12: test cyp/E 500 mg

IF you are dead set on running the winstrol then do it for the last couple weeks of the cycle to help cut up.
ive taken injections many times before and prefer injection too.. but i cant do injection at this time cus im living home at the moment.. so i just ask for a good oral stak this once.

Its not that hard to do injections at home all you have to do is Do it in your room and lock the door. Or go to your bathroom but make sure its a very very clean bathroom and inject in there. Its not that hard at all.