I started a 5000 calorie a day diet a few days before I started the cycle
5000 cals a day at 160lbs?
Youd grow off of 3000 to 3500 cals a day with your weight as is
I am 232lbs right now and i am only eating 4000 cals a day and adding 1.5lbs a week
U probs need nomore the 250g pro a week, keep your fats low at 50-60g, and fill the rest in with carbs and adjust accordingly to how much weight u are gaining
Myself i do better.keeping timing my carbs morning, post/pre workout so 3 outta my 5 meals ill have carbs added in to thos meals
Obv depends on alot of factors activity levels ect ect byt u should weigh more naturally at 5'11 160lbs
Bro everyone has to start somewhere i am not knocking u by all.means but thats a wack of food wasted there plus u are gonna only gain so much muscle per week on gear
I would gun for 1.5 to 2lbs a week gain per week
Your first cycle your not gonna come out lookkibg like the hulk as it takes years to develop good mass to your frame