
Since anadrol is a DHT is there any need to run test with it?

Lots are against anadrol, but I have ran it I like it, but only on here and there cycles depending on what Im wanting out of that cycle. Run it with test, if you run an oral alone youll feel like ass. Also have your liver support.
true ...My gym partner said when he was on drol and i can vouch for it his endurance was thru the roof ,like he would just tear thru our workouts and we had to stick to a set plan of workouts because if we didnt ,he could go 2 or 3 hours just hittin the wieghts like a mad man,did it have a similar effect on you guys
The one and only time I tried Drol, it ended up being counterfeit and did nothing for me. I was pissed.....

Perhaps someday I'll run across the real deal....
Its strong and fast,you can see the results from the very first days of using it but honest to god dbol is better,period
Yes, run test with it. T is the bread and
butter. (never oral only)
Plan on controlling your estrogen.
Consider a low dose of deca for your joints,
as this test and drol makes you very strong
very quick.
D-bol is a great mass building oral also,
but both are 17AA (hard on liver)