Anavar (first) cycle

seems like your doing pretty good, my first cycle was a var only, i was pretty young and wanted a milder steroid. Your at the point where your gains should sky rocket! my week 3 was amazing, i had hit a wall for about 6 months before and it felt great to get gains. hope it keeps up. please post how your post cycle therapy (pct) goes, my first time i did not do any and got through it alright, but had intended to post cycle therapy (pct) for my upcomming.
** W2 D3
* Workout: none
* Var: 35mg
* Sides: none

* Notes:
Easy going break day, nothing to report.
I know this won't do any good, but running Anavar (var) only isn't going to do much.

Also you don't weigh nearly enough to even be thinking of AAS.

With that said run your post cycle therapy (pct) longer. Next time do a real cycle. Test only 300mgs/week.
** W2 D4
* Workout: Back, rear shoulders, traps
* Var: 35mg
* Sides: none
* Notes:

Massive strength today, killed the workout and did not feel tired at the
end. I've got a little issue today though, I work at a computer for most of
the day and every now and then (once a year or so) my right wrist hurts a
lot when I move it sideways. It usually takes 2 weeks to completely subside
after I wear a wrist brace with metal support in it. This is going to
restrict my workout a bit and not allow me to perform certain moves.

* Routine:

Pullups BWx10 BWx10 BWx10

Super set 1:
Front pat pulldown (medium width grip) 150x10 180x10 200x10
T-Bar row 115x10 140x10 140x10

Super set 2:
Bent over row (DB, both arms) 70x10 75x10 75x10
Seated row (semi-supinated) 180x10 190x10 190x8

Super set 3:
Standing bent-over flyes 35x10 40x10 45x10
Reverse peckdeck 85x10 85x10 95x10

Super set 4:
Shoulder raise (on hack squat) 410x12 410x12 410x12 (more reps)
Shrugs (DB) 100/12 100/12 100/12

Tricep pressdown 130x15 130x15