anavar only. anyone tried it?


New member
hey guys.
has anyone tried an anavar only or anavar/creatiine cycle?
Im thinking of buying some for a cycle this spring. is it worth it.
basically im looking for something that wont suppress my HPTA too much.
a friend of mine did an anavar only cycle, but also used other supplements that he takes on a regular basis, (protein, creatine, glutamine, etc., etc.). Anyways, he very solid gains. Only about 5 pounds of muscle, but he is a powerlifter and his strength went up, and thats what he was looking for. I think oxandralone is overlooked by the majority of men and thought of as a strictly womans drug, however it can be very effective if you are trying to stay within a certain weight class, etc. Also, he hasnt lost any strength, 3 weeks after he finished.
Many years ago I ran 2 anavar only cycles with the old spa anavar at low doses. My gains were 5-10 lbs. of very good quality mass. I think it is worthwhile but IMO you cannot use any steroid, including anavar, at a high enough dose to be beneficial without suppressing the HPTA.
A 5 -10 lb gain would be great. Ive done cycles before, mostly test of some kind and deca, dbol or Winstrol (winny). it seems like it takes me an unusually long time to recover afterwards even with clomid and nolvadex post cycle. what im looking for now is something to add quality gains that I can keep without getting shut down. A little suppression wouldnt bother me but total shutdown sucks.

how would 40mg daily for 6-8 weeks sound. thats a long time for orals I know, but i take all available liver protectants.

oh yeah forgot to mention stats for those curious.
28 yrs old
5.8 @ 180 lbs
trainig for 5 yrs
4 cycles done so far

thanks for the input
The anavar will still inhibit your natural test production...40mg daily should be pretty damn good though for 8 weeks.. what kind are you planning on "hypothetically" using?? Also if you some before and after pics...
nale said:
A 5 -10 lb gain would be great. Ive done cycles before, mostly test of some kind and deca, dbol or Winstrol (winny). it seems like it takes me an unusually long time to recover afterwards even with clomid and nolvadex post cycle. what im looking for now is something to add quality gains that I can keep without getting shut down. A little suppression wouldnt bother me but total shutdown sucks.

how would 40mg daily for 6-8 weeks sound. thats a long time for orals I know, but i take all available liver protectants.

oh yeah forgot to mention stats for those curious.
28 yrs old
5.8 @ 180 lbs
trainig for 5 yrs
4 cycles done so far

thanks for the input

Not trying to flame or anything but, what weight did u start at before hitting the gear? I just wanted to know. Thanks bro. I have heard great things about a anavar only cycle.