andro nitrate 3 fuel


I am banned!
ANY BODY EVER HEAR OF THIS SHIT??? JUST WONDERING looks intense but could be a load of garbage. oh and hi to every body i havent been here in a while been over in the med, got recalled. but who cares about that. whats up is this shit any good?? lets me know fools!

ive tasted it, tastes pretty good, very expensive. 50g protein per serving, only like 10 servings, MSRP @ $50 i believe. Thats $5 a shake. As far as the PH content, i havent looked at it but i was told that it was an insignificant amount
thanks for your time garafix. i got a q for u, are her breasts lopsided?? you know on your avatar! or is she standing crooked.?? and what does the rest of her body look like? just wondering. thanks though dude, yeah i say that shake for 30 dollars on the net some were, thought about it but after researching the pro hormones i thought differently.
I've heard the same.. and it was from a guy who owns a supp store, does natural BB comps, knows quite a bit on PH, and has used them to good effect... he basically told me: the mg amounts of PH and 1test in it are insignificant, and that there's no point in having 1ad and 1test in the same product anyways... so you are basically getting a $3 prot shake as was mentioned by grafix.

If you do choose to try it, at least get it online for $30 and waste a lil less $ than paying full MSRP for it...
Ive used it. It does work good but the shit clumps up like a mofo I suggest u use allot of water and shake the heck out of it.