Androgel and Body Hair. Holy shit guys.


New member
I've been on Androgel for just 3 weeks. Feel *amazing*. But, I'm growing hair EVERYWHERE. What's going on? I thought hair took years to come in!

Is this normal? Anyone else experienced this?
Relax no worries and welcome to the boards! Are you throwing anything else into the mix? How old are you?
did you read the little folded up paper that came in the box with your androgel ? it probably said right there in tiny tiny print "bodily hair growth" is a side effect . so its no surprise . just join the 'dollar shave club' and get to shaving it all off every week
I've been on Androgel for just 3 weeks. Feel *amazing*. But, I'm growing hair EVERYWHERE. What's going on? I thought hair took years to come in!

Is this normal? Anyone else experienced this?

More important than hair growth, I've heard you may want to keep an eye on your E2 levels when using Androgel. I'll even go one step further. You may want to check your Total Testosterone numbers over time because most TRT patients are not satisfied with the results of Androgel compared to injections. But for now, welcome to this forum. You are in good hands here. :)
I have not noticed any difference, but I'm on injections. I certainly don't think your alone though.
When I first began trt injections almost 3 years ago, I started growing darker, thicker hair on my torso below my chest. And the hair on my arms grew thicker, and some dark hairs appeared on my upper back and shoulders. It seems that after that initial growth period, I haven't gotten any extra hair growth.
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About three months in to TRT, I noticed my back is growing sideburns. My upper arms are getting hairier too. It doesn't bother me. I would rather be hairy than low-T.
Thanks guys.

I'm not throwing anything else into the mix. Just Androgel. 4 pumps.

I've already gotten much, much more hair since I posted this a week ago. It's growing everywhere like crazy. Man. Sounds like you're all just getting a bit of more hair.

Really though is this much body hair normal?
I've been on TRT for about a couple years now, went from 3 chest hairs to at least a dozen now.
Sounds like the body hair is bothering you. I would stop the androgel and speak to your doctor and voice your concern to him. Perhaps a lower dose or moving to injections would help slow this down.