got some gyno from my tren run
androhard is on my radar when im finished this cycle, maybe in combo with ralox to get the lump down
got some gyno from my tren run
androhard is on my radar when im finished this cycle, maybe in combo with ralox to get the lump down
Sounds like a plan. Have any idea on dosages you will use?
Sounds like a plan. Have any idea on dosages you will use?
i wouldnt be after any bb'ing effects n such, so prob regualr dose of the hard with ralox.....that n dbl dosing it would get expensive
prob 12wks give or take, and a mild otc post cycle therapy (pct) after, altho im thinking the more n more i read, dht isnt very suppressive, but after 3months id do a trs type thing none the less
i have letro here,one of the many things i have on hand but never use, and in the case of letro i avoid it like the plague
I don't mind Letro, but I also use a low dose of it (1.25mg EoD).
2.5mg for 1 day will crush estrogen. 1.25 might be tolerable with a research chem, but if it's human grade... watch out.
At accurate potency, I would only start at .25 first and assess what that does, then move up in increments of .25.
At accurate potency, I would only start at .25 first and assess what that does, then move up in increments of .25.
Burly didn't you say you used AH and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to get rid of some mild gyno?
Yes, I used AH1 along with ATD for about 12 weeks altogether, tapered off slowly the last 3 weeks.
It took care of post cycle gyno that I am prone to. When it flared up originally, I thought it might subside, but it actually continued to get worse over the course of a month. I actually went to the doc and they ultrasounded me. Then, upon telling the doctor that it was painful, he said "I'd just take some ibuprofen, then". Dick. That's when I started my protocol. Granted it was a recent flare up, not a longstanding lump. I have to say though, that I think it helped an old lump shrink as well, but that is subjective.
Yes, I used AH1 along with ATD for about 12 weeks altogether, tapered off slowly the last 3 weeks.
It took care of post cycle gyno that I am prone to. When it flared up originally, I thought it might subside, but it actually continued to get worse over the course of a month. I actually went to the doc and they ultrasounded me. Then, upon telling the doctor that it was painful, he said "I'd just take some ibuprofen, then". Dick. That's when I started my protocol. Granted it was a recent flare up, not a longstanding lump. I have to say though, that I think it helped an old lump shrink as well, but that is subjective.
Why does it seem that ibuprofen is always the answer?![]()
Why does it seem that ibuprofen is always the answer?![]()
Why does it seem like I always want to leave the doc's office with my middle finger in the vertical position?
i had massive chest pains for days, and these weird 'attacks' where my chest/torso seized up.....went to the doctor, who fkn checked mylungs/breathing.....'go home and take advil its just a cold'......mmmm...this came off a brutal attack that i thought was heart related and rushed to the hospital........meh after his retarded advice, 24hrs later i went to the general, where i was hooked up to shit in 30min, and later the next morning i was told i was dying of a collapsing lung (was down to 15-20%capacity)....spent almost 3wks in the hospital, had numerous painful procedures including a final major surgery.........advil my fkn ass