AndroHard – The #1 DHT pro-hormone

We expected a huge degree of skepticism with the release of this new lineup. Anything else would have been overly optimistic and not realistic.
I'm skeptical on the conversion and how it translates. I really can't say anything bad about your products because I have not tried them but I am skeptical. I had a much longer post but decided to delete it. It seems that many things, AAS included, look good on paper but are much different as an end result.

And we just like to mess with you guys. Nothing personal. I guess once some logs come out we will see how they all translate.

Do you post or read on other boards? I am trying to get logs here, but we have many logs started on other boards. The feedback thus far is impressive.
Yeah I get on AM from time to time. They love you guys there. Haven't been in a while so I will check it out.

They love us because we have great products that work. Check out the logs and let me know what your thoughts are on them.
I certainly think we will see a good amount of Mass logs, but for those running injectables, AndroHard would be the most likely addition.

Androhard appears to be the most versatile product of the 3. It will help with cutting and it will help with mass building, while being an estro antagonist simultaneously. I liked the old Androhard. I'm sure the new one is improved and a couple of the logs I've seen are backing this up so far.