AndroHard – The #1 DHT pro-hormone

I am thinking of starting a bit of a cut myself so I can be as lean as possible when I jump to very high calorie bulking this winter.

I pretty much do the "zig-zag" methodology throughout the year; 2 weeks gluttony and 2 weeks of fierce dieting. It more or less lets me keep the same BF% throughout the year, but allows me to ease up when it's needed.
I pretty much do the "zig-zag" methodology throughout the year; 2 weeks gluttony and 2 weeks of fierce dieting. It more or less lets me keep the same BF% throughout the year, but allows me to ease up when it's needed.

I seem to do this in an unplanned sporadic method. I gain fat easily, so I often find myself freaking out as I get back into the higher percentages.