AndroHard – The #1 DHT pro-hormone

Shipping starts today so lookout for those tracking numbers. Hopefully we have some here that are giving it a go.
Wanted to reiterate some stacks for those looking to purchase the Androseries:

For a cut with minimal shutdown:

Androlean 6/6/6/6

For a recomposition (lose fat and gain muscle):

Androlean 4/4/4/4/4/4
Androhard 4/4/4/4/4/4

For a straight bulk:

Andromass 6/6/6/6

For a very tight, lean bulk:

Andromass 4/4/4/4/4/4
Androhard 4/4/4/4/4/4

You can also stack the series with other companies products. This allows you to stack hormones without the risk of causing more liver damage and less cholesterol damage, because the Androseries is non-toxic to the liver.

For a cut:

Androlean 6/6/6/6
11-oxo 300/300/300/300 (in milligrams)

For a bulk bridge:

Superdrol 20/20/20
Andromass 0/0/0/6/6/6/6

For a recompostion:

Epistane 40/40/40/40
Androhard 6/6/6/6

For a straight bulk:
Trenazone 8/8/8/8/8/8
Andromass 0/0/6/6/6/6

For those on AAS, Androhard is amazing to stack with testosterone due to its natural AI-like properties. It would be along the lines of masteron.
I would add for anyone using Test, AndroHard is a great addition, can really keep bloat down and add its own gains to your cycle.
Im really intrigued by the new promo we're running- 16 weeks of Androhard. Im not curious so much about the anti-estrogen benefits of Androhard as much as im interested in what kind of compisition you would achieve running it for so long.
Im really intrigued by the new promo we're running- 16 weeks of Androhard. Im not curious so much about the anti-estrogen benefits of Androhard as much as im interested in what kind of compisition you would achieve running it for so long.

I would like to see bloodwork on shutdown, I know DHT causes minimal shutdown.
16weeks, id think throw minimal out the window

users wouldnt 'feel' it, but theyd be shutdown

I would agree here, but I would like to see bloods. Anecdotally the feedback has shown quick recovery from 6 weeks as well as reports of not "feeling" shutdown.< means nothing without bloods
Here's a study done on Proviron.

Varma TR, Patel RH.

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, St. George’s Hospital Medical School London, U.K.

Two hundred fifty subfertile men with idiopathic oligospermia (count less than 20 million/ml) were treated with mesterolone (100-150 mg/day) for 12 months. Seminal analysis were assayed 3 times and serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) luteinizing hormone (LH) and plasma testosterone were assayed once before treatment and repeated at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after the initiation of treatment. One hundred ten patients (44%) had normal serum FSH, LH and plasma testosterone, 85 patients (34%) had low serum FSH, LH and low plasma testosterone. One hundred seventy-five patients (70%) had moderate oligospermia (count 5 to less than 20 million/ml) and 75 patients (30%) had severe oligospermia (count less than 5 million/ml). Seventy-five moderately oligospermic patients showed significant improvement in the sperm density, total sperm count and motility following mesterolone therapy whereas only 12% showed improvement in the severe oligospermic group. Mesterolone had no depressing effect on low or normal serum FSH and LH levels but had depressing effect on 25% if the levels were elevated. There was no significant adverse effect on testosterone levels or on liver function. One hundred fifteen (46%) pregnancies resulted following the treatment, 9 of 115 (7.8%) aborted and 2 (1.7%) had ectopic pregnancy. Mesterolone was found to be more useful in patients with a sperm count ranging between 5 and 20 million/ml. Those with severe oligospermia (count less than 5 million) do not seem to benefit from this therapy.

PMID: 2892728 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]One more…
Effect of non aromatizable androgens on LHRH and TRH responses in primary testicular failure.

Spitz IM, Margalioth EJ, Yeger Y, Livshin Y, Zylber-Haran E, Shilo S.

We have assessed the gonadotropin, TSH and PRL responses to the non aromatizable androgens, mesterolone and fluoxymestrone, in 27 patients with primary testicular failure. All patients were given a bolus of LHRH (100 micrograms) and TRH (200 micrograms) at zero time. Nine subjects received a further bolus of TRH at 30 mins. The latter were then given mesterolone 150 mg daily for 6 weeks. The remaining subjects received fluoxymesterone 5 mg daily for 4 weeks and 10 mg daily for 2 weeks. On the last day of the androgen administration, the subjects were re-challenged with LHRH and TRH according to the identical protocol. When compared to controls, the patients had normal circulating levels of testosterone, estradiol, PRL and thyroid hormones. However, basal LH, FSH and TSH levels, as well as gonadotropin responses to LHRH and TSH and PRL responses to TRH, were increased.

Mesterolone administration produced no changes in steroids, thyroid hormones, gonadotropins nor PRL.
There was, however, a reduction in the integrated and incremental TSH secretion after TRH.
Fluoxymesterone administration was accompanied by a reduction in thyroid binding globulin (with associated decreases in t3 and increases in t3 resin uptake). The free T4 index was unaltered, which implies that thyroid function was unchanged.

In addition, during fluoxymesterone administration, there was a reduction in testosterone, gonadotropins and LH response to LHRH.
Basal TSH did not vary, but there was a reduction in the peak and integrated TSH response to TRH. PRL levels were unaltered during fluoxymesterone treatment.