Andromass as "Test" base for Dianabol cycle?


New member
I'm planning my next cycle and have access to some D-bol. This will be my first cycle using real gear.

I understand D-bol can cause significant bloat and that it is best utilized as a "kickstart" to a cycle and in conjuction with another roid like Test. As I don't have actual Test, I'm wondering if Andromass might work in lieu of injectable Test for this application. I realize the two are not one in the same, but I'm wondering if the Andromass would compliment the cycle and "balance" the Dianabol in a similar manner. Would Andromass curb some of the bloat and estrogenic effects of the D-bol and help me retain my gains from the cycle?
I'm thinking of doing the d-bol at 30 or 35 mg for weeks 1-4 and doing Andromass at 6 or 7 caps for weeks 1-6. 6 week cycle then PCT.
It may be overkill but adding in Androhard might be a good call. It'll combat estrogen and possibly some bloat.
It may be overkill but adding in Androhard might be a good call. It'll combat estrogen and possibly some bloat.

I love the extra bloat. It really helps out with the strength gains and cushions the joints. Besides, with the proper diet, the bloat will be minimal.
Yeah, I love the idea of adding Androhard to the mix and I read a log of a guy who did D-Bol, AM, and AH; it sounds like he got pretty awesome gains from the stack, but I'm really afraid of losing hair from the AH. I'm receding a little bit as it is.

If I can get 15 retainable lbs from the D-BOL/AM mix I'd be happy with that, I just don't want to blow up and then deflate like a balloon from the not cycling/stacking the D-BOL properly.
The way you're setup is great. 4 weeks of dbol with 6 weeks of Andromass. IMO, just run the AM at 9 caps a day.

You should have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand as well, dbol aromatizes pretty heavily.
I love the extra bloat. It really helps out with the strength gains and cushions the joints. Besides, with the proper diet, the bloat will be minimal.
Good point.
Yeah, I love the idea of adding Androhard to the mix and I read a log of a guy who did D-Bol, AM, and AH; it sounds like he got pretty awesome gains from the stack, but I'm really afraid of losing hair from the AH. I'm receding a little bit as it is.

If I can get 15 retainable lbs from the D-BOL/AM mix I'd be happy with that, I just don't want to blow up and then deflate like a balloon from the not cycling/stacking the D-BOL properly.

I think you'll be pretty happy with your cycle just the way it is. If your prone to shedding, you can try the Androhard some other time and see how bad it is. If its really bad just stop taking it, otherwise I think the shedding aspect of AH is a little over-rated.
There's not going to be a better time to grab AM than right now: it's about to be BOGO over at
I just ordered two bottles of Andromass with the buy one get one.

A couple additional thoughts -- how does 5 weeks of D-BOL @ 30 mg's and 7 weeks of AM at 8 caps sound? Would that be pushing the cycle length? I'd be using a SERM, but not HCG. I ask this question because I've read that longer cycles of D-BOL at lower doses tend to yield more retainable gains... something about the body having more time to adjust to the newly gained mass... or something. Not sure if there's any truth to it, but I did read it.


Would I just be better off with 4 weeks of D-BOL @ 30-35 mgs and 6 weeks of AM at 9 caps?

Also, I'd like to start planning a low sodium bulking diet to control bloat from the D-BOL. In terms of mg's per day, does anybody know how much sodium I might target per day? Where should I keep the sodium levels and how much sodium is too much?

Thanks for the help...
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I just ordered two bottles of Andromass with the buy one get one.

A couple additional thoughts -- how does 5 weeks of D-BOL @ 30 mg's and 7 weeks of AM at 8 caps sound? Would that be pushing the cycle length? I'd be using a SERM, but not HCG. I ask this question because I've read that longer cycles of D-BOL at lower doses tend to yield more retainable gains... something about the body having more time to adjust to the newly gained mass... or something. Not sure if there's any truth to it, but I did read it.


Would I just be better off with 4 weeks of D-BOL @ 30-35 mgs and 6 weeks of AM at 9 caps?

Also, I'd like to start planning a low sodium bulking diet to control bloat from the D-BOL. In terms of mg's per day, does anybody know how much sodium I might target per day? Where should I keep the sodium levels and how much sodium is too much?

Thanks for the help...

8 weeks is not a hard cycle to recover from, unless your HPTA is for whatever reason already compromised and simply won't recover well.

However, because dbol aromatizes so heavily, using a SERM or Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle is going to help negate suppression.

To prevent bloat, I'd also suggest drinking a lot of water, upwards of 2 gallons a day. No idea on the sodium.

The 6 weeker of AM+Dbol would be my choice. It's what I've been recommending for awhile (6 weeks at 9 caps).
Bloat is much more complicated than just sodium and water. Carb amount and type, electrolyte consumption, activity, aldosterone levels, etc. all play into this. However, from personal experience with compounds that allegedly have bloat, I will say that having moderate carbs and 5-7 servings of produce severely reduced my levels of bloat. Also, use mainly red potatoes as your source of complex carbs also helps.
If you're already running Dbol why not just wait and get test? No offense to the reps but I don't think this is a good idea. I would shelf the Dbol and if you are absolutely going to run something then run 2 of the PH's (AM or AH?). I just don't think it's a good use of a great oral like Dbol on something like this. Just my $.02.
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