Animal Pump combined with steroids


New member
Was just wondering if anyone has feedback at all on this. I use this supp religiously and have seen incredible results as is with it. Just started taking hdrol today in conjunction with .8cc of T300 in a nild cut cycle. Cut cycle being nore of a lean bulk but I gave ny wife ny other half of this lean bulk cycle's testosterone (being her first ever cycle I of course gladly gave it to her) so I was just wondering if people had any feedback on powerful pre-workout stacks (i.e. Creatines. Anino acids. Nitrogen increasers) on cycle

Ny keyboard is kinda fucked up if you hadn't noticed lol. 3 very inportant punctual keys no longer work. :chomp:
Wait... What? You gave your wife test? Did I read that correctly?

Animal pump is just a pre workout. Usually a good idea to stop taking sups while on cycle. Well, except for protien and maybe amino acid.
Was just wondering if anyone has feedback at all on this. I use this supp religiously and have seen incredible results as is with it. Just started taking hdrol today in conjunction with .8cc of T300 in a nild cut cycle. Cut cycle being nore of a lean bulk but I gave ny wife ny other half of this lean bulk cycle's testosterone (being her first ever cycle I of course gladly gave it to her) so I was just wondering if people had any feedback on powerful pre-workout stacks (i.e. Creatines. Anino acids. Nitrogen increasers) on cycle

Ny keyboard is kinda fucked up if you hadn't noticed lol. 3 very inportant punctual keys no longer work. :chomp:

How much test are you giving your wife? There's a relatively safe area, but remember that some sides are PERMANENT if you overshoot. I really hope you discussed the potential sides with her, as women are often less forgiving if they develop back hair growth along with a voice two octaves deeper.

To your question though, a PWO is fine as long as she's not super sensitive to stimulants. The "natural test boosters" in the ingredients are horse shit anyway, as the results are coming from the stims and vasodilators. My wife has been on 20mg/wk of test cypionate for a couple years now, but cannot tolerate PWO at all if that helps.

Note: I STRONGLY suggest that you get a blood test done for her to ensure that you're not putting her into sex-change territory. Very careful attention must be paid, and the sooner you pull the plug if ANY pop up (some clitoral growth is normal and a good thing), as this reduces the possibility of lasting androgenic sides.

My .02c :)
There are a ton of good pre's out there though. Look for ones with agmatine, citruline, glycerol, or any combo of those.
IF she's not taking more than 20mg a week, you probably won't regret giving her your test. Myself, I prefer to avoid sentences that take the form of "I probably won't regret..."

That said, my wife gets a 200mg pellet every 10 weeks, so the equivalent of about 28mg a week of test cyp. She's been on that regimen for years, and nothing but good has come from it.

But if you let your wife shoot even a very mild TRT dose for a guy, well, I guess teaching her how to shave her face could be bonding experience.
Wait... What? You gave your wife test? Did I read that correctly?

Animal pump is just a pre workout. Usually a good idea to stop taking sups while on cycle. Well, except for protien and maybe amino acid.

I was thinking the same thing. It would be a much better idea for a woman who has never used aas before to start with an oral because of the short half life. A slow release test ester is not the way to go.