Animal Stak ... ( Yor Opinions )


New member
Animal Stak was takign during my days of Varsity basketball...

N i have to say i think it worked... as in storing my eneergy N making me mass up.

So i was just curious.. since there were Supered Liftrs out there..

i would lke to know yer opionions N thoughts on this Matter.


Anmal Stk
I do think it works a bit. Gives my test a slight boost I feel. Yep, yep. More importantly, you need to get your spelling fixed :(
agreed... talk so we can understand you, but if i have correctly understood you, animal stak is more of a multi vitamin than anything, it is a good one but watch your pee cause most of it you will piss out. Be sure to be drinking lots of water, it also has good BCAA's in it so taking it in right around workout times is good.
animal stac

just finished a can of animal stac 2 , better than creatine, noticed gains in strength and for 30 dollars what the fuck worth a try
For people that think they can get close to looking like McGrath without sauce in a few years. If you've looked at their "forvm" the majority of the people who post are not in shape and talk like their hardcore lift freaks.